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Halp me!

Started by Raif, June 13, 2009, 10:49:32 AM

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OK, i admit. I am a crossover druid.
YES the great raif lived most of his life as an ice Mage, since way back in the PRE bc days. Raif was my druid twink(29 bracket) that i decided to level before WotLK came out, because i ran out of thugs to do. My dps was awesome, i loved it.

I'm a sniped, I'm not used to the close up melee. Druid is new for me.
I'm doing something wrong, I'm never where i think i should be on the dps charts. I need a better rotation.

I'm spreading myself too thin trying to keep a 5 point [spell=49800]Rip[/spell] up, constantly keeping [spell=59886]Rake[/spell] on, [spell=48566]Mangle(cat)[/spell] when i have the energy for the debuff, and i just cant seem to get enough [spell=48572]Shred[/spell] 's in



heya Raif
I've been wanting to write up a good cat guide but have been very busy fallowing the elections of my country from here....

What you would want to do is get a savage roar up asap (I would suggest doing a mangle, rake, sr combo at the start) (putting fff somwhere in there) then you shred to 5 points and rip, if you have the glyph of rip I think it adds to your rip duration every time u shred so it will give u more time to shred. Also try to use your oom procs for shred (or rake if it's not on the target) even if u have 5 points already.


k, i don't know if this is the "right way" or not, but it's what works for me...on the rare occasion that i'm actually kitty specced, this usually gets me an average around 3500 dps for a raid in my neglected kitty gear...over 4500 in a tank and spank boss fight

1)  if you have a bear tanking, never mangle
2)  for single mob trash, rake, roar, shred...maybe shred again...then tigers fury and bite
3)  for big hp trash, same as 2 if group has high dps, if it doesn't - replace bite with rip until it's low on hp
4)  for multi-mob trash, anything to open then roar, then zerk and swipe...if they're still up when zerk runs out, tigers fury and get in two more swipes
5)  for long rotation boss fights you basically want to keep all dots up...and patience is key...get a four or five point roar or you'll be in an energy battle trying to keep your dots rolling while keeping roar up, so - mangle, rake, shred to 4 or 5 points, roar

then refresh rake and mangle as needed, and get up to 5 points with shred and cash it in with rip

if you get back up to 5 combo points AND rip is still ticking, don't refresh it - either wait for it to run out, or - double check your rake, refresh it, then bite and start working on 5 points again

with enough crit eventually you'll be getting a 5 cp roar, then 5 cp rip, then 5 cp bite, then 5 cp rip, 5 cp bite, repeat...IF the crit is high enough, your rip will just be barely finished ticking by the next time it comes around again

all in all though, the fights are more complex...the rules are simple though:
if mangle's down, refresh it
if rake is down, refresh it
use shred to get up to 5 cps
with those 5 cps:
roar if it's down
rip if it's down
bite if roar and rip AND rake are up (if rake isn't up, refresh the rake first - and in the gcd from that, you'll usually need to go back to roar or rip and not bite)

one of the biggest keys to keeping kitty dps up on bossfights in raids though is leaving a couple cp's on the mob when it switches phases - to be cashed in immediately for a roar as soon as you start fighting again...and get into the habit of mashing tiger's fury for the energy return every time you're sitting there just white auto-attacking waiting on energy...and use zerk every chance you get - don't treat it like heroism and wait to use it, its got a relatively short cd and can often be used more than once over a bossfight