Warrior Scripts

Started by Caedryne, August 19, 2006, 01:31:19 AM

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For warriors download an add-on called Warrior from here http://wow.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=TTHUIRepository&func=displayI&pinUIID=90

You can make really good scripts by typing in chat for example:
/warrior DPS add Execute, Overpower, Charge, Rend, Berserker Stance, Bloodrage, Heroic Stance
you can add conditions like:
/warrior DPS use Disarm when target is a Rogue
/warrior DPS use Overpower when player rage is under 30
/warrior DPS use Cleave when Whirlwind is on cooldown
/warrior rage 10
and assign a dedicated button to it.
So when you press that button the script cycles through Execute, Overpower etc and uses the appropriate spell. The last line /warrior rage 10 gives you a rage buffer of ten
DPS = the name of the class, it can be anything you want like TANK, PVP, PVE, WARSONG
Works really well
I don't explain things really well but there is a really good info on the above site just scroll down past the download area


Sorry this is the better link with the documentation
