T4 will be for any spec!!!

Started by Genoism, October 19, 2006, 11:58:51 AM

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the rogue tier 4 helm makes you look like Batman or something, lol.

Yea the new changes on the player caps for both the new dungeons and the old ones will work to our benefit as a guild undoubtably. Just getting a 40 person raid together is hard enough and trying to keep everyone together on what to do even with TS is just, well, not fun (been there done that and have the tattoo as well as t-shirt). 25 is 5 more then our current romps thru AQ and ZG are which we seem to have little trouble putting together and keeping everyone together as to what needs to be done.

The lower player caps give everyone a chance to learn to play the class well. That I like so much more. It gives the ability to adapt and overcome more then what the game does now which is what we have become really good at as a guild.
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they're not changing the caps on the old ones...40 man will still be 40 man, but doable with a lot less as lvl 70s


I must have misunderstood, I thought they would lower the level cap to 25 on all the current 40 man content as well.  It doesn't make sense to me to make the new, more difficult Outland dungeons limited to 25 and keep the current ones at 40.  Why would anyone want to go through the hassle of MC, Onyxia, BWL or AQ if they were able to skip to Outland and run new 25 player intances for better gear?  I don't see why you would come back to run those at 70 - nobody goes back to Uldaman or Zul Farrak at 60 to get antiquated gear.  Something has to happen to make these places more appealing in the instance progression or else they'll become pointless.


Quote from: Thingiebob on October 20, 2006, 08:54:48 AMAnd I don't really like the look of the Rogue tier 4 gear. I prefer looking like a sophisticated ninja.
Crimson and black or blue and black with silver trim.  Only color schemes that are vaguely acceptable.  As to the models, think "sneaky guy" not "queer eye with spikes"...


so MC, bwl. Naxx won't upgrade from lvl 60 mobs to 70!?  and there won't be lvl 60+ drops in it?


exactly...they are leaving the 40mans as they are....its been said multiple times...they are NOT upgrading or changin 40 mans...they are staying the same as they are now. And no it wouldn't make sense to come back to there as lvl 70, only reason we probably will is to just experience the content, the loot w ill most likely be inferior to ours...but heck lotsa nexus crystals!
You dont need to be in t3 to advance to lvl 61.....same gear u have to get to 60 from 59 will do just fine getting u to 61 and u can solo to 70....they are changing the caps to 25 because 40 mans sucked and everyone knew it...it was difficult to control lag, it felt like a zerg fest, and above all too many players couldnt' experience that content as casual players or as people who didnt want to join giant guilds and begin their hardcore raiding...
Blizzard even attempted rag with 15 lvl 70's who were well geared and took him out. With our 20-25 we could do that without a problem just as well as they did....we'll resist over half the spells in mc, bwl, aq and naxx....but even as 70s there are still some parts that will require coordination. Not even a lv70 can survive 2039482039482 damage from cthun ^_^


the only thing that i have longed for since i saw it, was the pally Judgement t2 set ... *drools*

would be nice if they did make the now 40 man's more appealing .... otherwsie its just waste of space in content really


Quote from: Muridin on October 28, 2006, 05:11:10 AM
the only thing that i have longed for since i saw it, was the pally Judgement t2 set ... *drools*

would be nice if they did make the now 40 man's more appealing .... otherwsie its just waste of space in content really
its like asking for them to make SM more appealing for lvl 60s...once you've done it u dont really come back except maybe for a twink or a challenge of some sort...but as a 60 its unlikely you'll find any upgrades there.


I'm gonna try the Cath sometime this week :P

