International Society;s view on weight and body image.

Started by Muridin, December 28, 2006, 09:11:20 PM

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ok girls and boys, im fed up, and it is time for me to go off my nut bout it.

the world has a whole is seriously messed up on body image and weight. for example BEAUTY MAGAZINES!!!!

you see the perfect model, the photo shoped bombshell that is so fake and empty that if u drilled a whole into that person, its shallowness reaches the size of a BILLION black holes IN ONE!!!

and so, in these bloody magazines, there is articles about fashion, make up and crap, that is so artificial, it makes low budget special affects that are blocky and crapy look liek real life

and body imagery has been blown so far out of proportion, a cousin of mine, who is 8 YEARS OLD, thinks she is too fat, and wont eat a thing ..... no matter wat it is ..... she is the right size and weight for a girl her age, and she wants to look like the stars on TV are really thin ... which is not surprising at her age, but the simple factg that she, at 8 years old, who is rather skinny, thinks she is too fat ...

another thing, chilvary .... how long has it been dead for? im not blaming anything on anyone, but the feminists have seriously killed a simple thing as RESPECT

i know guys that treat girls like dirt, swear at them, simpley because treating girls with respect was killed ages ago by those who say it was wrong to hold a door for a girl, to hold their really heavy books .... or lift and carry heavy things
its not that we are saying ur not self sufficient, but it is a medical fact that men are built differently to women

i myself, i hold doors open, offer rides ( if i know them ) in my car home... pffer to carry things, and i just often get looks of disgust .... and im just trying to be a nice guy

it came to the point, where i would hold a door, and i wouldnt get a thanks, and i though stuff that for a joke,,,, im trying to be nice, i get called names, picked on at school, given dirty looks because i was taught to be a nice guy

its SIMPLE RESPECT for those opposite but equal to us determines who we are, but unfortunatly, after beauty magazines, and models and corporate propaganda to be the "perfect" women, to have the "perfect" figure and so on, that has killed something as simple as respect

and ive ranted for long enough now guys .....


It is indeed sad when somthing as innocent and sweet as an 8 year old girl is driven to insecurities by the media. We are told how to dress and how to eat, think, etc. But Muir... you talk about feminists and how they abolish chivalry. Feminists have nothing to do with fashion propagandha and media tell how. If anything they are trying to stop the social outcome of viewing women in such ways. Feminists are trying to take down political and economic inequality between the sexes which favors the male gender, not kill the respect that women should be given. Social equality was never meant to disrupt the common curtousy of holding a door for a woman, but it was meant to give the woman the right to hold the door for a man. And as for "medical facts" about women being built differently than men, I agree. Women and men are built very differently, but that does not mean they aren't capable of opening their own doors or carrying their own books. I myself know a few women that are more suited to carry things around for me as oppose to the other way around. I understand what you are trying to say Muir but in the end you just end up sounding a little Chauvinistic.

Next time try to use your words a little better, thats all. We wouldn't want people to get offended.



i didnt mean to come off like that...

do not get me wrong, i do not say that social equality is a bad thing, at all.... in fact, it is nice when a girl holds a door for you ... and they can carry books and lift heavy things no doubt.

that medical comment wasnt meant to say that cos we're built differantly so they cant do it .... i know some girls who can do things like that a whole lot better than I.

and that snipe at the feminists wasnt clearly worded ... and i now that i read back, i highly doubt that they were to blame. they were after social equality, and i tip my hat off to them ... much to the same to that African-American guy way back what he tried to ( im sorry i dont know his name, but i remember watching something on tv once about him )

and i had to go look up the word Chauvinistic too ... and it defines
1.   zealous and aggressive patriotism or blind enthusiasm for military glory.
2.   biased devotion to any group, attitude, or cause.

   1. Militant devotion to and glorification of one's country; fanatical patriotism.
   2. Prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's own gender, group, or kind: "the chauvinism . . . of making extraterrestrial life in our own image" (Henry S.F. Cooper, Jr.)


1.    of or relating to persons convinced of the superiority of their own gender or kind
2.    fanatically patriotic

and i didnt mean to come off as if i think males are superior as a gender ....

at the time, i didnt mean that, and still dont

wat i really was trying to get at was wat u said about insecurities from the media ... and that also includes fashion propaganda... not to come off as a chauvinistic prick


I know it is hard seeing your eight year old cousin refuse food but you need to not make a big deal out of it. She is young & her body will demand that she eat. Just ignore the whole issue & she will eat as she needs to. If you push her to eat she will become stubborn & that will lead to eating problems like anorexia. Feel for you Muridin but sometimes the best solution is to back off.


A few things:

I've never met a women who can't open the door. Nor have I met a woman that can't carry heavy stuff - it just takes them more effort.
For those that don't appreciate when you do something for them as a kindness...well then you're hanging around the wrong ones.

As for the media, I can't blame them - its OUR fault for letting it happen, not theirs. The media just try to make something that stand out above other products, the way they do it is the way that works. There are very few other ways that it can be done. I know - I've worked with it. If people have a problem with it they should do something about it, but they aren't. Frankly there's not much they can do in my opinion without revising the amendments. The only thing that can be done at this point is to simple properly teach your children. If you don't guide them they can end up in ways you'd never predict. Its not hard, just talk to them and explain what they see and how things really are. Its not particularly HARD, just takes time, effort, and some planning.


When I worked in power stations as an Engineer- there was some hard work- and we had to carry heavy equipment- I had no problems with the guys helping me carry the stuff.
Particularly when I was pregnant- because  once you strain your back, etc- it's with you for a long long time.
I found it pretty sad when I was 7 months pregnant standing up on the train commuting from work- and the young men hiding behind newspapers.

It was usually the middle aged mothers that stood up for me- they knew what it was like.

So I say- thanks to all the people that care and stand up for others. I have never been angry at a guy who opened a car door or carried a bag for me. I think it's lovely - and it doesn't make me feel inferior one bit. But I suppose you should check with the female you are dealing with- it's a personal thing.