Almost time...

Started by Darkling, November 01, 2006, 08:43:16 AM

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Ok, I have been doing PVP once again. As much as I would like to stop ding this cause it is so frustrating sometimes, the lure of that black war tiger mount is great. That PVP epic gear is great as well. Anyway...

I seem to be killing a lot more and faster with my [wowitem]Qiraji Sacrificial Dagger[/wowitem], so I may put my current pvp outfit away for awhile and use my piecemeal again (Cadaverous Armor pieces, Shadowcraft, Darkmantle, Blooddrenched stuff, etc.) to kill even faster. Which means I may need a little help if possible sometimes throughout the week.

Without my pvp gear, my health will drop significantly, so I need to train up a bit. I would basically ask that maybe 2 or 3 of you, doesn't matter what class, help me out. How would you help me? By meeting me in the Gurrubachi Arena. I would like to train up fighting multiple opponents to hone my skills even more. And, thos eof you who help me could also be helping yourselves. It's a win-win situation.

Up to you guys. If you decide to help me a bit, maybe a couple of days doing about a 15-30 min fight, I want no holds barred. Do your best to take me out.


I'd be glad to throw on my damage gear and go a few rounds with you TB.  Even though you'll probably just stun me to death, it will be an exciting break from tanking.  I'm guessing warriors aren't your biggest problem though.


Actually, warriors are one of my biggest threats because of their armor. If you break the stunlock, then I have a problem. One on one fights are easy for me so long as I maintain control of the fight from start to finish. It's fighiting multiple opponents where I have the most trouble.

(YAY! I figured out how to post item links in here)




i'd help but...would u want me to?


Like I said, any class is fine. Hunters would be an extreme help since I have the most problems with them. I get around pet rage fairly well now. Concussive shot is a bitch though. I don't mind flares and traps so much. Those are easy to work around as well. I heard there was a way to bug traps to trap the hunter instead of me. trying to figure that out now. Wouldn't that just suck for you (watch Grim's pvp videos. he does it in one of them).


If I get on around my afternoon it will be around the time that u get on for like30mins before work, So i guess I can try helping  :)


assuming whatever rogue sneaks up on me isn't FAR better geared then me and my pet is not in combat, i can usually take them out without much of a problem....I dont understand why you mean about trapping the hunter in his own trap...your trap wont trigger on you...I usually flare directly on my trap and just hang around in the center with the trap just behind my back. This way if they try to disarm it i'll catch them and if they ambush or whatever to me, it'll freeze them. After that its cakewalk, using trap a 2nd time is unusual because i like to keep a dot on them and that dot would break the freeze trap...though frost traps are a god send sometimes....specially vs warriors. its a shame blizz doesn't balance it for 1v1, saying they are 'group' balancing is a way of saying we'll make sure no one is utterly overly powerful but we dont really give a crap about certain class vs other certain classes being an utter impossibility(ie, hunter vs almost any caster). Of course hunters will become WAYYYYY more viable in 1v1's once the next patch with all those pet abilities is out. Almost every pet has some form of stunning and i hear a rumor of being able to change pets while on the field which would kick ass oh so much more. Though the trap cooldown is getting a serious nerf.


I read up on that trap deal. It was a combat bug that has since been fixed. So, I can't try it now. As far as that patch, if they do that with the pets, it will unbalance the game even more than it is now. People look at rogues as being overpowered, and we're really not. Hunters on the other hand have pets, stuns, dots, ranged, search capabilities, dodge, run, etc. aspects, and many more available abilities. And let's not forget pet rage. Flares, traps....I can go on and on. They nerfed mages with the last patch, I realized this when my frostbolt crits went from 1500+ down to 800-900 damage. With each thing they may add, they are bound to take something away.

Even on the last patch when they changed the talent tree on Rogues. They gave some stuff (vanish will eliminate hunter's mark, pickpocket mobs even if they are in combat), but they did take some stuff away. Even the talent tree was nerfed when you look at it. They added some stuff, but now when you spec. it can make you strong against certain classes, but weaker against others. I spec'd for more damage to casters than anything. Sometimes it's tempting to put more into combat just to get imp sprint (100% chance to negate movement effects when activated), because, here again, concusion shot, scatter shot, frost trap, and dots effectively ends the fight with me before I even die.

I'm complaining. Certain classes are just way overpowered already. Hunters, warlocks, and shamans being at the top of the list. Rogues are only powerful if we get the jump or we somehow get lucky enough to turn the fight into our favor, which is, in all reality, very difficult to do.

With that, I am signing off here as I am about to get off work.


I'm pissed that vanish doesn't negate faerie fire.  I think that should be covered by an ability with a five-minute timer...


I agree. Spamming faerie fire sucks.


Ugh.  Bugged in AV today.  Hunter caught a glimpse of me while I was passing by, then set her pet on me.  Pet sees through stealth, naturally...

That's all right.  I blind the hunter and kill the pet.  Then I vanish, and approach the hunter to take her down before she DoTs me.  My vanish doesn't work!  WTF?

While I still have the improved stealth, she manages to hit me with a hunter's mark and concuss me from ten yards away.  Second hunter and a shadow priest show up and game over.

Stealth is what keeps us rogues alive.  Shouldn't we at least be able to count on our stealth to work when it's supposed to?