Bigwigs from the Website

Started by Raif, January 22, 2010, 05:37:27 PM

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I always used curse to download my bigwigs, but when i went into a raid i always no matter how recently i updated got someones message telling me i was outdated. I was told that the Website usually had the most up to date one. This week I've been trying to use the one from the website, but i cant get the bigwigs ui to show. When i look at what was actually downloaded only naxx, ulduar, northrend, extras and commonauras modules are in the package. No ToC or ICC modules are visible, when i look at my curse, it tells me that I'm using version 5000 something.

I downloaded it from the 3.3 addons thread and deleted any bigwigs i had previously before i downloaded this one

any help?

fiere redfern

Here's the link to the latest version (r7051):

When I downloaded it to check, I saw the ICC/ToC modules in the .zip file. Maybe for you they somehow got saved somewhere else? I really have no idea, honestly >.< I'm still in the process of downloading WoW, so I can't really log on to do a full idiot-check. :(

Hope this helps!



I believe this was a case of PEBKAC

I use 7zip, i usually just open the file, and this time i watched it closely, and i be live it wasn't downloading the whole thing. I Downloaded the file instead this time, and i has all the necessary modules



Certain unzip utilities sometimes skip folder names and just shove everything into 1 folder, thats probably what happened.
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