Huge Grats to the guild

Started by Arcdelad, August 31, 2007, 06:00:41 AM

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With all of our great conversations about Kara going on, I think its important to point out our phenomenol success in Kara this week.

Note the following:

Day 1 - Attumen, Moroes, Maiden, Rom and Jules (Opera), and the Curator all downed. Two wipes the entire time, BOTH due to server and / or the instance being buggy (rom and jules actually just reset out of nowhere).

Day 2 - The Shade, the Chess event, and Ilhoof all downed; attempt on the Prince made.

Guys...if anything, this shows we can do this. We are a very good group of people with a good skillset, and once we figure all this out, the above wont even be noteworthy, just normal twilight operating procedure :) Just stick with this - and being part of this rise to triumph is extremelt satisfying for everyone.

Grats again everyone!


wooot, GRATZ!
TWILIGHT pride!! :Fire Elemental:
way to go guyz! :carlton_draught: :Victoria_Bitter: :Fosters_Pack:


raid til 3am + up at the store for 9am = Hurtin

wouldn't have it any other way though!  ;D

Good job to ALL last night!!! :Alliance Banner:


Awesome guys, gj you should be downing prince soon :). I will be joining a few raids here and there starting next week too.


Two standout items worth noting:

*  During our 2nd attempt on Shade, EVERY single person was at the top of their game - not 1 person failed to get clear of the repeated Arcane Explosions AND everyone stood completely still during the numerous Flame Wreaths - all of this while doing their jobs either healing party members, dealing with adds, dodging blizzards, interrupting spells, and pumping out dps.  My experience with this encounter is that if 1 person makes a single mistake, it is a wipe.  This fight takes a very high level of teamwork and we had it!

*  Although it took 4 attempts, Illhoof finally went down after we modified our strategy until we found what worked.  I think our lack of experience with this encounter is what caused us to wipe.  Now that we have refamiliarized ourselves with what works and what does not, this guy will be on farm status for Twilight now.

Finally, I forgot that Monday is Labor Day and I have plans.  Therefore, I will be unable to attend the demise of the Prince.  Good luck to you guys and an early grats to whomever gets to loot that Malcheezen I so desparately desire!


fiere redfern

Wow, MAJOR grats everyone! ^_^

Keep it up!


Gratz everyone!! Way to go Twilight!
