Yet again

Started by Darkling, January 09, 2007, 02:41:11 PM

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Ok, I am highly pissed off at Blizz yet again. I want to curse, bad. Rogues are SERIOUSLY nerfed now. Why? Because everyone keeps frigging whining about rogues. We couldn't stunlock well after 2.0 and now, heh, we won't be able to stunlock. Period. Sap unresistable by heartbeat now, big whoop. that really helps us. Preparation only works on certain cooldowns now. Why the hell have it then? It should work just like a mages Cold Snap, as it always has. Nerfed.

Combo point fix. Wasn't a problem for me before.

Everything sub has been nerfed except Blind. Reduced to a 3 min CD, and Cloak of Shadows reduced to a 1 min CD...trainable at lvl 66. Pathetic. If you don't see me on much, it's because I'm sick of Blizzard buffing every other class and nerfing the hell out of rogues with each patch.

Oh, before you say anything..combat did get a couple of buffs, yeah, at the bottom of the damn talent tree. Doesn't help a sub/assassin at all.

That's my rant. Blizzard, good job in constantly ruining a game for me. Love ya.


I see where your coming from TB, well I see where your coming from as much as i can not being a rogue (technically  >:)  )

But you gotta understand that they weren't just thinking about TB when they came up with this stuff, what may not help you even 1% may make someone elses day  :p  it all depends on how you play your character..Its a shame that they nerfed the way you play but you gotta think outside the box a little bit eh?  theres my opinion, if you wanna kill me for it thats cool  just sayin what i think  ;p


Dylon, there is no thinking outside the box on this one. Rogues are now ineffective in anything. I have so far been beaten, by undergeared Horde no less, in 5 one on ones. I even got the jump on them. If I had the best epic daggers in the game and tier3 gear, yeah, I might be effective a little. now, though, i waste my time as a rogue.


Agreed, they even nerfed Surprise attacks, now everything besides finishing moves are dodgeable. BOO!





If there is one thing I have learned in playing MMOs since '99 (EQ + many others), it's that the one thing you can always count on in every game in most expansions is that some classes get nerfed and others get a boost.  It's always evolving and WoW is no exception.  Whatever WoW class ends up being overpowered at 70 will most certainly get a nerf sometime later this year.  It's the ebb and flow that MMOs go through.  Rogues will have their day in the sun again, someday.

I don't say this to minimize the impact the changes had on you, TB.  I can hear your frustration with this (plus the riding skill change) and sincerely hope you find some peace with the way WoW is heading, either as a rogue or another class.  You're such an important part of Twilight and we need you to be excited about the new content and high end raiding we will experience in 2007.  

As for me, I actually liked the rogue changes that were made (except for the preparation nerf), but my playstyle is different than yours (I don't PvP).

Hang in there, bud.


You guys are thinking short term. Yes these changes might suck in the now, but you dont have any idea how things will play out at lvl 70 which is the primary purpose of many of these changes. With this patch, STILL the talent specs for Druids and Rogues are not the same as what Im seeing in Beta right now, which leans me to believe that things will change. For the better? I cant say, my only rogue is 45 and shes not on Beta so I cant effectively test it, but griping about the now and making claims to how bad its going to suck from this point forward is a little premature because none of us really knows how life at 70 will be. I see a lot of comparison being made on the PvP side of things, this game isnt solely PvP, its a majority PvE too, so remember that also. Balancing a character for both aspects is difficult if not impossible to do well in addition to there being need for some patience as they figure out how to balance the new skills out better to not make some unfair to others.

Classes have benefits, some classes will be able to beat out others straight up, its gonna happen, equality amongst classes designed to specialize in different things is never going to happen. Saying you cant kill a Warlock with the same tactics as you did before and its because you were "nerfed" or they were "buffed" is silly. The game is changing, thus requires a need to develop a new gameplan to defeat different obstacles. While im not saying that you may not have been "nerfed" you have to give it a chance to try it out first.

As far as the grind, its an MMO, grind is needed to keep people playing, its both a marketing tool and a way to make content last longer so people dont get bored too soon and quit. I do think things are too expensive, but they are doing things to try and remedy that so give it time. Yea it sucks grinding for money for 150 riding skill, but it doesnt take long when you actually set yourself to reach the goal. Taking these changes and things personally is going to make the game unenjoyable, taking it in stride and attempting to adapt is what will help it become more enjoyable.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


Quote from: Shadowwolf on January 09, 2007, 04:35:37 PM
As far as the grind, its an MMO, grind is needed to keep people playing, its both a marketing tool and a way to make content last longer so people dont get bored too soon and quit. I do think things are too expensive, but they are doing things to try and remedy that so give it time. Yea it sucks grinding for money for 150 riding skill, but it took what, a week maybe 2 when you actually set yourself to reach the goal? Taking these changes and things personally is going to make the game unenjoyable, taking it in stride and attempting to adapt is what will help it become more enjoyable.

I lost gold because of WoW....


How did you loose gold?

Grinding money for riding skill and mount is no different then if you had to do a lengthy quest chain that maybe cost no money for the same thing. The difference is theres not as much running back and fro. Its exactly the same, earning money at your leisure, any way you can, be it borrowing, selling, grinding, you get XP for the mobs you kill unless you farm lowbie areas, so how much different is it really from just doing a huge quest line? So you cant spend the gold on items, you spend it on something else, ok, but Blizz didnt make it a requirement that everyone has to have 150 riding skill, its an optional perk like a lot of things. At least thats how I see it all. Yea it sucks, but its a part of the game and they dont seem to intent on changing it anytime soon.
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


For the record, I came here to rant, and not completely about TB. Rogues got nerfed with 2.0. Now we got abilities nerfed again. Yes, Blizzard is running a business, but they do have a few horrible business practices. (I said that I lost gold as a joke to lighten my rant up cause it appeared to be getting too serious imo)

It is an MMO and it will have grinds in it. Acceptable, but to not inform the cutomers of another patch coming out with appropriate patch notes before it is released is bad business. IMO, I did lose gold because of Blizzard. If I had the gold to purchase the training a week prior, it wouldn't have been so upsetting to me. However, I got the training the day prior to the patch without knowing a patch was coming out with all these changes. So it did get me po'd a little.

Blizzard has been making changes and they will keep making changes. Some good, some bad. Fine.

This game isn't about TB. I never thought that, I have never felt that. In here I just rant and throw out my opinions and feelings about what WoW does. I'll get over it and drive on. Someday, maybe they'll do something to make me completely leave the game like SWG did. This is yet to be seen.

I like the game, but I love the guild. If it weren't for this guild, I feel I would have moved on a long time ago. Not many people can tolerate my joking stupidity or my serious stupidity.

With that, I am ending my rant here.


Try buying a mount before level 40 for 100g and then having them patch the next week where mounts cost 9g and riding skill costs 100. That happened to me on my rogue, so ive been there. Its something I dont expect to be reimbursed on, yes it sux, big time, wont lie, but I accept it as part of the game I like to enjoy with friends =)

None of us can ever change how Blizz does things, no matter how loud we complain. My only purpose here is to show the flip side to things that you guys may not have explored. Lots of people tend to look at things 1 way when it impacts them directly and very seldom in long term perspective. Im just saying, yes it may be a nerf now, but whos to say it will still be at lvl 70 which is the primary drive behind these changes as of late. Good case in point is the Warlock Felguard. Blizz didnt think properly about people repecing so they could have it at lvl 60, it was technically designed as a lvl 70 pet, so because of that miscalculation, they didnt weigh out its damage right and it just beat the hell out of everyone. They "fixed" it with the last patch but in usually style they may have gone too far in an extreme again. I think the word "average" escapes the developers there.

The fact is we gotta accept how it is and deal or not deal =(

Im pretty upset about the patch yesterday too as it threw a wrench in the works for our ZG run big time. That was highly upsetting. Musical Raid Leader, vanishing target icons, wrong Main Tanks, all stupid problems that should have been weeded out WAY before the patch ever got approved to go live, but alas, its not so =P
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


Dharq wrote a post in the warriors forum awhile back when I was ranting about how warriors got nerfed, and other members added comments too. It was very helpful. After spending a lot of gold messing with talent points etc I got my warrior back to where I wanted him to be, and I agree things are constantly changing and maybe after the next patch or when TBC somes out I won't be able to kill a lvl 1 anything lol but I do know that it won't last forever.

One other thought TB being one not to take advantage of a situation, perhaps we should duel. It may be my only chance of ever winning one against you lol :)


This patch has been a killer -we have all felt its effects. I know it takes me a few days to absorb the changes     (and bitch & moan about the changes ;) ) before I can objectively look at them. I get comfortable with my toon and what I can & can't handle. It is difficult to see the end product when you are trying to keep yourself alive in areas where you never had a problem before. There have been so many changes that you are just getting a handle on one set when another comes along... and another and another. Yes I will  adapt - it is the nature of the game that I play. Some adapt by silently suffering, others by just plowing forward and other by vocalizing. We all adapt & move on in our own ways & our own time. I know I am not yet ready to look to the long term yet - I still need my ranting time. :D Heaven knows I have less to rant about than the other classes do but I still feel the need. I like the fact that there is a ranting area on the website, helps to keep me grounded when I see how the other classes have been affected. Anyway if we can't bitch & moan about Blizz - who are we goin to blame? ::)


Its definitely good to have a place to vent, yes =)
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


WTF is up with the AV flags?  More proof that Blizz hates rogues - we can't ranged cap 'em, while everyone else can, apparently!