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World of Warcraft => Class Discussion => Rogue => Topic started by: Lynette on November 08, 2007, 07:26:35 AM

Title: Rogue guide over at Nihilum, discussion on +hit
Post by: Lynette on November 08, 2007, 07:26:35 AM,clozes_rogue_guide/

The one thing I have seen over and over from guides such as this is the need for +hit over AP & crit for combat specced rogues, although some balance is desired.  +Hit is important primarily for combat potency to generate energy.  The goal is to get as close to the 290 +hit cap without sacrificing too much AP and crit. 

This cap increases to 363 in patch 2.3.  Also in this patch will be new recipes.  One in particular will give a +hit boost (I think it is +20) and requires Talbuk Venison.  Farm this stuff now before the patch goes live - those poor Nagrand talbuk will be on the endangered species list soon and prices for the meat will certainly jump.

Title: Re: Rogue guide over at Nihilum, discussion on +hit
Post by: un4 on November 08, 2007, 01:32:16 PM
I've found that +hit and +crit gear benefited me more than stocking up on the AP.
Title: Re: Rogue guide over at Nihilum, discussion on +hit
Post by: Lynette on November 08, 2007, 01:38:05 PM
I made the mistake of totally focusing on AP once I hit 70, thinking DPS = Attack Power.  However, after reseaching the topic of PvE combat rogue raiding, it seems general consensus that AP should be the last thing to focus after hit, crit, then agility (in that order).

Lots of wasted gems later, I am now better geared for Kara.
Title: Re: Rogue guide over at Nihilum, discussion on +hit
Post by: un4 on November 08, 2007, 01:46:58 PM
I've never had more than 2000 AP, but I went crazy with the +crit gear for a while, back when I was still sub.  If I hit you, you were gonna hurt :P

Nice guide though, thanks!
Title: Re: Rogue guide over at Nihilum, discussion on +hit
Post by: Gutboy on November 08, 2007, 02:23:37 PM
Quote from: Lynette on November 08, 2007, 07:26:35 AM

This cap increases to 363 in patch 2.3.  Also in this patch will be new recipes.  One in particular will give a +hit boost (I think it is +20) and requires Talbuk Venison.  Farm this stuff now before the patch goes live - those poor Nagrand talbuk will be on the endangered species list soon and prices for the meat will certainly jump.

Time to get my hunting hat on...  :turkey:

Title: Re: Rogue guide over at Nihilum, discussion on +hit
Post by: Shadowwolf on November 08, 2007, 02:46:26 PM
+hit is important as it helps your offhand damage. Also, if you use fast weapons, it helps you land the hits better as faster weapons come with a slightly higher miss chance than those of slower ones because you have more swings than that of a slower weapon, the chance is actually ~the same, but its more noticable when you are swinging 2-3 times more than with slow weapons. Offhand damage for all classes has a penalty to +hit, I think rogues have a little bit of a reprieve as do some other classes with talents to balance it better.

Things like weapon skill help offset +hit and I think theres a cap to how much it will help on an offhand so you can never fully balance main hand hit chance with offhand, theres always a slightly less chance on the offhand I believe, tho im not 100% sure like most, its one of those things Blizzard wont ever come right out and say, we all just guess and calculate based on others experiences.

I always say, having a high crit rate does no good if you are missing half the time =)
Title: Re: Rogue guide over at Nihilum, discussion on +hit
Post by: Jilinna on November 08, 2007, 03:34:14 PM
Nice guide Lynette! it should help my progession as a rogue as im at the point where i dont know where to spend my talent points anymore XD

hehe im just going to put this here  O0 he looks cool  :P
Title: Re: Rogue guide over at Nihilum, discussion on +hit
Post by: Belandand on September 08, 2008, 09:13:43 AM
+Hit is very very very important to any and all raiding rogues (even if they do decide to raid as sub : / ). The reason is that rogues have two talents in the combat tree that need it. These two talents are DW specialization (?) and combat potency. Both of these talents, with a decent amoun of high rating, add to dps. Here is a rough breakdown of hit rating for dungeon/raid progression (arbitrary, based off of my observations)-

Reg. dungeons- not that much hit is needed and other party members can slightly make up for your dps. However, I'd suggest 100-150 HR
Heroic dungeons- 150-175
Karazhan- 145-165
Gruuls/Mags- 180-200
SSC-TK- 200-250
Hyjal-BT- 270-300

Aagain, these values are not set in stone but generally, new raidng rogues should seek to first reach the special move hit cap, which I believe is either 144 or 165, not sure atm) instead of immediately socketing every last spot with +hit gems. The reason for this particular range of hit is so that you special moves- backstab, SS etc- won't ever miss.
Title: Re: Rogue guide over at Nihilum, discussion on +hit
Post by: usonian on September 08, 2008, 09:59:40 AM
In gearing my rogue I think I have gone a bit hit crazy since I started raiding and tried to stack as much Hit as possible.  The problem is that I've done it at the expense of AP and I've slowly been able to feel out the importance of a certain amount of hit.  Just recently I was at 296 Hit unbuffed but my AP was just under 1600.  Unfortunately, a lot of the DPS armor I have with high amounts of hit is lacking stats and gem slots.  The problem with that is I'm not taking full advantage of raid buffs that increase stats (specifically agility) since a lot of my 'stats' are the green descriptions like "increases crit rating by X" and "increases AP by X". 

The list you have there is probably a more accurate set of benchmarks than what I've previously been aiming for.  I think I could sacrifice some of my Hit for more AP and actually see an increase in DPS.  I checked out some top-geared rogues on a few servers (see: warglaives) and their unbuffed hit ratings were only around 280-290 for BT.  What is probably confusing a lot of rogues is that the actual hit cap is 363 (with precision) and usually a 'cap' is what you need to reach to be the best.  This is not the case with rogues and hit.
Title: Re: Rogue guide over at Nihilum, discussion on +hit
Post by: Lynette on September 08, 2008, 12:21:27 PM
Interesting thoughts. 

I'm gonna start looking deeper into WWS post raids and see if being hit capped makes a difference for me or if I should back off my +hit (366 atm) for more AP or crit.  I'll report back after a week or so.
Title: Re: Rogue guide over at Nihilum, discussion on +hit
Post by: un4 on September 08, 2008, 02:31:55 PM
If you're at 366, you're over the cap.  I'd hit up the AP right now.