Death Knight Tank Specs and Rotations

Started by fiere redfern, February 12, 2009, 06:58:29 PM

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fiere redfern

I was trolling tankspot and found this post, and thought I'd link it here for our DKs to peruse:


Unholy - DPS Tank -
Unholy - AoE Tank -
Unholy - Single Target Tank -
Unholy - Mitigation/CD Tank -

Stam +2%
Str +5%
Expertise +5


Imp. Icy Touch
Blade Barrier
Bone Shield
Magic Suppression
Anti-Magic Zone

Single Rotation: IT, PS, BS, BS, SS, SS When Excess Runic Power is available Use Death Coil and Rune Strike as Runic Power Dump

Rotation Priorities =
1) Use Defensive Abilities when Required
2) Use Horn of Winter when Applicable
3) Keep Both Diseases on target
4) Keep both Blood Runes on Cooldown
5) Keep Runic Power from hitting 100 using Death Coil and Rune Strike
6) Use Scourge Strike on Cooldown

AOE Rotation: DnD,IT,PS,PEST,BB,UB,SS,SS,PEST When Excess Runic Power is available Use Rune Strike as Runic Power Dump

Nine Button Rotation = 13.5 seconds for 15 seconds of cooldown (this gives you one extra CD per rotation for Runic Abilities such as Horn of Winter or Icebound Fortitude

DnD - Death and Decay
IT - Icy Touch
PS - Plague Strike
BB - Bloodboil
UB - Unholy Blight
SS - Scourge Strike
RS - Runic Strike
BS - Blood Strike
PEST - Pestilence


Frost - KM Tank -
Frost - Imp Icy Talons Tank -
Frost - Magic Resist/Utility Tank -
Frost - DW Tank -

Stam +0%
Str +0%
Expertise +5

Glyping Napkin Math for average raid geared DK

UA - 35k armor goes to 40250
UA - 5250 armor gives 145ap
~3.0 weapon speed with WF or Imp IT
~40% of total swings are Rune Strikes

Offensive Glyphing
Rune Strike = 10% crit on 8 swings per minute = ~2000+ damage / minute
IT = 10 extra RP on 3 IT per minute = ~3000+ damage / minute
Unbreakable = 145 AP + 5250 Armor for 20 seconds

Defensive Glyphing
Unbreakable = 145 AP + 5250 Armor for 20 seconds

Glyphs Variables
DW or Hateful Strike boss where faster swings rates will cause your Runestrike to Swing Ratio goes up making Rune Strike stronger.

Stam +0%
Str +0%
Expertise +5


Imp. Icy Touch
Blade Barrier
Frost Aura
Frigid Dreadplate
Guille of Gorefiend
Unbreakable Armor

Single Rotation: IT, PS, BS, BS, OB, OB When Excess Runic Power is available Use Frost Strike and Rune Strike as Runic Power Dump

Rotation Priorities =
1) Use Defensive Abilities when Required
2) Use Horn of Winter when Applicable
3) Keep Both Diseases on target
4) Keep both Blood Runes as Death Runes
5) Keep Runic Power from hitting 100 using Frost Strike and Rune Strike
6) Use Obliterate on Cooldown

AOE Rotation: DnD,IT,PS,PEST,HB,BB,FS,OB,HB,PEST When Excess Runic Power is available Use Frost Strike and Rune Strike as Runic Power Dumps

You can only use DnD every 2nd Rotation

DnD - Death and Decay
IT - Icy Touch
PS - Plague Strike
BB - Bloodboil
RS - Runic Strike
BS - Blood Strike
OB - Obliterate
HB - Howling Blast
PEST - Pestilence


Blood - DPS Tank -
Blood - Regen/Survival Tank -

Stam +6%
Str +8%
Expertise +11


Imp. Icy Touch
Blade Barrier
Blood Aura
Rune Tap
Spell Deflection
Veteran of the Third War
Mark of Blood
Vampiric Blood

Single Rotation: IT, PS, HS, HS, OB When Excess Runic Power is available Use Death Coil and Rune Strike as Runic Power Dump
-After first rotation and 2 death runes are available, rotation becomes IT,PS,HS,HS,HS,HS,OB

Rotation Priorities =
1) Use Defensive Abilities when Required
2) Use Horn of Winter when Applicable
3) Keep Both Diseases on target
4) Keep Runic Power from hitting 100 using Death Coil and Rune Strike
5) Keep both Heart Strike on Cooldown
6) Use Obliterate on to End rotation and consume diseases

AOE Rotation: DnD,IT,PS,PEST,DC, BB,DC,DS,DS,PEST When Excess Runic Power is available Use Death Coil and Rune Strike as Runic Power Dumps

DnD - Death and Decay
IT - Icy Touch
PS - Plague Strike
BB - Bloodboil
RS - Runic Strike
OB - Obliterate
HS - Heart Strike
DC - Death Coil
DS - Death Strike
PEST - Pestilence


Stoneskin Gargoyle - 25 Defense Skill, +2% Stam
Swordshattering - 4% Parry
Spellshattering - 4% Spell Deflection

Swordbreaking - 2% Parry
Spellbreaking - 2% Spell Deflection