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World of Warcraft => Class Discussion => Warrior => Topic started by: Gutboy on October 30, 2007, 01:28:05 PM

Title: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Gutboy on October 30, 2007, 01:28:05 PM
Now that I'm [wowitem]Gorehowl[/wowitem] MS specced for a while :pumpk5: I need to put some more effort into my DPS gear, instead of just using the best of whatever's not in my tank set. What are the key stats I should look for, and what are the benchmarks to shoot for (like 490 Def for tanking)?

Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Nixphire on October 30, 2007, 02:55:04 PM
Depending on what you want to do. You want to mix and match Strength (1 strength = 2AP), AP, Crit, Agility and stam.
Hit rating for 1h/Shield, 2h, feral: 9% [142 hit rating].
Serve with a slice of lime over ice
Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Gutboy on October 30, 2007, 03:08:52 PM
Quote from: Nixphire on October 30, 2007, 02:55:04 PM
Hit rating for 1h/Shield, 2h, feral: 9% [142 hit rating].

LOL50HitRating FTL...

OK got some work to do.


Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Trismus on November 03, 2007, 11:48:54 AM
axe spec warriors should usually aim for 35-40% crit, and you want to be regularly about 1900-2100 attack power with battle shout. Hitpoints I'd imagine the ideal to be 12k+ for PvP and in that regard Dodge is also very important, but takes a back seat to attack power. Also, in terms of DPS hit rating is invaluable. I've recently sacrificed some hit rating for hitpoints, crit rating, resilience and a dozen other things but it's still around 100. If you can get it up to 150+ you will almost never miss, which is obviously a huge dps increase.

In terms of speccing you have two routes, PvP and DPS. I'd recommend Improved intercept, death wish, battle shout improvement, and either improved demo shout or the other one that gives a chance at additional rage (depending on how you feel you do against melee/how your rage generation is) for PvP. Improved MS is good, but in terms of PvP (if you intend on doing it) improved intercept is FAR superior, but then again if you want DPS, improved mortal strike is huge, and it's worth sacrificing endless rage in order to get death wish.

Depending on your focus (PvP or PvE dps) ultimately depends on your build. The guide I posted in one of the previous threads goes into explicit detail about this. I don't remember what the exact relativity of diminishing returns is in regards to crit rating, attack power, and hit rating in terms of DPS increase, but those are you main stats.

Agility in my opinion isn't quite worth it unless you go PvP, as the dodge doesn't help your dps at all and you get more +crit from crit rating (i.e. 20 crit rating is a greater increase then 20 agility).

If you wanna talk to me about it in game feel free to shoot me a whisper,

Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Buzan on November 03, 2007, 12:02:49 PM
All good and dandy but what are you still doing with so many lvl 60 epics on you?

You are in need of some upgrades badly :P.
Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Trismus on November 03, 2007, 11:37:23 PM
Well, after looking at Guyboy's profile I assume you're talking to me... and yeah.... I REALLY need to upgrade almost every single slot  :'(
Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Gutboy on November 04, 2007, 12:04:48 AM
Yeah, I've managed to pull together a decent set out of what I had or could make, without the benefit of any PVP stuff. Still pretty short of your benchmarks Tris, but I can lay a decent smack on things for now. Thanks all for the advice.

Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: LastDyingBreath on November 04, 2007, 01:59:39 AM
This is your arms spec

This is your fury spec (assuming 2h with gorehowl)

First priority with both builds should be attack power, followed by crit, and some hit in there to round it out.  I believe 9% is the hitcap for 2h weapons.

Your attack rotation should be:  Mortal Strike/Bloodthirst, Whirlwind.  rinse repeat.  If you have rage for an attack and both ms/bt and ww are on cooldown, slam.  You can also turn your white attacks into cleave for rage burning goodness.  I reccomend staying away from heroic strike due to the threat attatched to it, but fights where aggro is no issue, heroic strike your little furious head off.

Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Trismus on November 04, 2007, 11:08:28 AM
Quote from: LastDyingBreath on November 04, 2007, 01:59:39 AM
This is your arms spec

This is your fury spec (assuming 2h with gorehowl)

First priority with both builds should be attack power, followed by crit, and some hit in there to round it out.  I believe 9% is the hitcap for 2h weapons.

Your attack rotation should be:  Mortal Strike/Bloodthirst, Whirlwind.  rinse repeat.  If you have rage for an attack and both ms/bt and ww are on cooldown, slam.  You can also turn your white attacks into cleave for rage burning goodness.  I reccomend staying away from heroic strike due to the threat attatched to it, but fights where aggro is no issue, heroic strike your little furious head off.

Damned nice builds, I might steal that advice :p


Gutboy, I checked your profile the other night (as I mentioned above) and it looked pretty good. The levels I was mentioning are more goals to reach i.e. if you hit those, you'll be able to run with anyone and play your part well, whether it's a 2200 ranked arena team or a TK run. Obviously, it's intended for people who have full arena/raid gear. Hell, if you look at my gear I'm FAR below those, yet I can be a rock solid addition to any group I will end up in.

P.S. Gorehowl is a kickass weapon, possibly the best until the Stormherald components can be obtained (or similar raid-acquired gear).

Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Gutboy on November 05, 2007, 12:29:18 AM
Thanks guys, it's nice to have a good MS and Fury build at hand when I want to try them. I've only ever done full Arms and Arms/Prot, so the whole Fury tree is new to me. I'm trying to determine how far I can tank with my current Arms/Prot -- if I can't do stuff like OTing Moroes in Kara etc., I might just as well go into Kara as 33/28 or something and smash faces properly.  ;D

Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Luise on November 05, 2007, 02:35:18 AM
I was looking at the arms/fury build that is similar to mine..but was wondering why improved heroic strike was chosen over improved rend? I love that bloodcut- that kills them as they run away.
Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Trismus on November 05, 2007, 02:03:34 PM
In Retrospect I think I have some improvements on the spec choices, or at least my own 2c:

Improved Heroic Strike and Improved charge are fine, but 5/5 deflection is FAR superior, imho. In addition, Anger Management is the best ability of the first three levels. That 1 rage / 3 sec tick doesn't sound like a lot, but I can't even begin to list the times it's given me the edge in both PvP and PvE. In fights like Gruul or Prince where you don't spend all your time smacking a mob it really shines, and in the Arena it can be the difference between getting off the final execute / MS for the win or dieing to a low delay attack.

Also, for PvP at least, Iron Will 5/5 is essential. Stun/Fear resist is huge, and in terms of DPSing in PvE it can allow you to keep up the hits when half the raid force is running away.

Another spec for PvP which can also provide some tanking is the following:

Obviously, it can be tweaked to what your personal fighting desire is. That's roughly the build (albeit replace axe spec with mace spec) that DT/SH wielding warriors use to stunlock opponents (defensive stance revenge + mace spec proc + DT/SH proc + Concussion Blow when necessary). The problem with it, however, is that in PvP you will get kited easily once your oponent gets away from you, and in PvE you wont put up quite a much DPS, and tanking you wont quite be able to deal with the mobs full prot spec warriors can, however you will be able to function in all three areas.
Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Nixphire on November 09, 2007, 10:34:56 AM
[item]Murkblood Avenger's Legplates[/item] > [item]Marshal's Plate Legguards[/item]
But seriously [item]Greaves of the Shatterer[/item][item]Legplates of the Bold[/item]

[item]Ragesteel Shoulders[/item] with the sockets are probably a better selection as well. Wow armory has neat Find an Upgrade feature.
Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: Trismus on November 13, 2007, 02:06:18 PM
true, true,

but 15 second intercept is the difference between me killing frost mages / hunters and getting killed by them, regardless of stats.

I use ragesteel etc when raiding now, marshal's for pvp

felsteel for tanking
Title: Re: DPS stats and gearing
Post by: usonian on November 13, 2007, 02:25:45 PM
Getting down to a 20 sec intercept with talents should be plenty against any class, that 5 seconds isn't giving you a huge advantage over hunters and mages.  I think it would be more effective to have the stats from multiple level 70 blues than one bonus from lvl 60 pvp purples that allows intercept an additional 5 seconds sooner.  Better to kill the enemy once you catch them than have to keep intercepting every 15 seconds.  The stats you're losing by keeping that lvl 60 gear is also going to hurt against every other class when your armor, stamina, AP, crit and hit are inferior.