After some advice.

Started by Muridin, December 17, 2008, 05:18:25 AM

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Hey guys,

I recently got my new main above 60, my Belf pally, and ive quested through Hellfire P and done all the quests and I'm now lvl 64, where should i go next? Should i head to Terrokar or Nagrand straight away? Or is it Zangarmarsh i should focus on.

On the one hand, questing in Zanga means i can get quests done faster because of my higher level.
On the other, better loot from Nagrand.



Hey Muri.

Loot shouldn't be a consideration, cause your quest gear from BC gets replaced with quest gear in WotLK.  Just quest your way thru Zangar & Terr, then head to Northrend at 68.

My 2 coppers ...


after just doing the 60-70 grind myself I know it's VERY easy to level up in outlands now.  I hit Hellfire, Zang, Terrocar, and Nagrand in that order.  I didn't do the Nessingway chain (or even start it) and I didn't do anything at the throne of elements and I still ended up at over 50% of the way through 68 when I left outland.   

Northrend is MUCH faster for leveling pre-70 than anything you'll come across (literally double the exp for quests and rewards that are fantastic compared to outland stuff).


I did Hellfire, a little Zangarmarsh, Nagrand, and BEM.


cheers guys. make very valid points