Ghostcrawler explains the hybrid class and "tax" on it

Started by Grendeel, October 28, 2009, 12:48:41 AM

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This is a moot point. It should be understood that pure classes should do their jobs better than hybrids. Hybrids should stop complaining about their inability to heal as much as a priest or dps as much as a rogue, warrior, hunter, mage or deathknight. If the game designers cave in to this greedy request, it will throw pures into a bad state. Hybrids should take solace in the fact that they are able to bring raid utility. It's not always about topping the charts.

Furthermore, the hybrid tax can be masked by the skill of the individual. Gear is never the be all end all. There is an equal chance for a hybrids to outdps a pure and vice versa if the player is skilled. Honestly, these posts on the Blizzard forums and various website are all just a heaping mass of whining and discontent by people that feel they should get more out of their 14.99.

You're jealous of the damage of a pure class? Roll one and see why pures must be in a position to top the charts. Don't whine and sulk over the fact that- at the expense of dps- you increase the raid's ability to progress. That in and of itself is a Herculean burden.

As for half of a rogues damage coming from the debuffs of others, gearing should close that gap. If you feel that rogues don't deserve your buff because they will out dps, then that's  being selfish and counterproductive. No matter what anyone says, smartrogues do their jobs and do it well. While it is true that a myriad of buffs augment our damage, there is no substitute for skill.

In short, skill of the player decides everything and not some crappy "hybrid tax."


I do agree with the Tax. Myself as a hybrid class i do take pride knowing that not only can i produce (what i like to think) is a decent amount of dps but the fact that, yea bourne/tris/deadly do take one hella boost from my totems/buffs that i do bring. Im a "support" class. i get a kick out of getting hugs from tris everytime he sees me in a raid. its all about the big picture of completing a set goal and i like to be a part of seeing that goal through. i would love to see mages get buffed a bit more to show that they are more of a vending machine. they are a DPS class. lately ive been seeing a trend on blizzards side of catering to the youngens <ie ez epics/lowered xp requirements/cheep mount costs> so with that should they get rid of the "tax" no. DPS is DPS. if priests were a pure healer class would you like to see a warrior out heal you with bandages just because enough people whined about it?

as for skill...100%..i have played with bourne for a number of years now..he has consistantly always been exceptional at his class always topping the dps charts because he knows his character. even when he was the underdog carrying around those stinkin paper cutters and passing on other epic drops because they worked better for his spec. countless other guild members have shown even with lower lvl gear that they can out perform and get the job done because they know their buttons.

hunters/mages/locks/rogues. koodos to you for burning down the house. but always remember someones behind you helping you up the hill


*hug* arty.

Yeah, I agree with both of you.

Bourne, I dunno wtf you do but you manage to get more dps out of the gear you use than anyone I have even heard of. It's incredible, and it shows that a player's skill trumps almost everything.
Most people think Marv is crazy. He just had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century. He'd be right at home on some ancient battlefield swinging an axe into somebody's face.