OMG! Nerfed!

Started by Darkling, December 06, 2006, 04:53:11 AM

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The rogue...the mose feared opponent in the battleground next to warlocks....have been substantially nerfed. They gave us something to make us stronger against warlocks. Every other class, have at us because we have had our damage, resists, and crits taken away. I doubt blizz will balance this out.

So, as a professional rogue, I will adjust and adapt. If it turns out rogue's are only going to worth an occasional, lockbox/door opener, or pickpocketer, I may have to try out being a warlock or something. But for now, thingiebob is alive and well and pushing onward.


good to hear man...I wont give that "everything has a reason" garbage spiel....but im sure you are going to figure it out man


I did. We weren't nerfed. I just don't have the talent points in assassination that I had that added to my crit dmg. I'll hav it back at 70. I put the points into sub to get Cloak of Shadows.


Thats what I mean guys, you all gotta keep in mind these talents are now in prep for you being level 70 as a max level. Think of your level now being like you were when you were lvl 50. You could hold your own yes, but not quite as effective as you became when you hit 60. I do think it was a little premature of them to incorporate the talents into the game this soon before BC's release, but in a way I can see the logic behind it in getting everyone prepared for the future now. Gives everyone a chance to try out new builds to see what works best for them rather than having to wait for Jan 16th.
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Pally's, warriors, and mages own me now though. Don't know about hunters and druids.


well...i think its smart business on their end too youve got ALL these great options staring you in the face, but no way you can effectively use them without those extra ten levels and the 10 talent points that come with them...which means you buy BC for $40 of course :P

AND...the only way to level up effectively? explore the new level 60 plus content....added in said $40 expansion.....

they are totally teasing us....those guys are smart :)


This patch killed rogues.

I spend what, eight months working WoW into my schedual as much as possible and finally hit 55.  I preordered the expansion.  I played with the new talent trees 'till I crashed on the keyboard.  I spend an hour downloading and installing the patch.  I wait six hours for the server to come back up.  I respec (messed it up once, respeced again) twice, and got ready to roll for the next day.

Today, I log on and try everything out.

1. I don't crit half as often as I used to. (~same crit %)
2. Those crits that I do have do about half as much damage as before (exception: ambush crits do exactly the same amount, even though I'm full sub now...)
3. I move more slowly when I'm stealthed
4. My energy regens at maybe 3/4 of what it did before.  I can't use combo points fast enough, becuse I don't have the energy to pop a finisher.
5. My stealth (with 5/5 MoD) is seen through by mobs two levels below me while I'm running past them like normal.

I can't do damage any more.  I miss about 1/3 of my attacks, then the ones that land do less damage than ever before.  I missed more cheap shots than I hit with today.  I went through 30 flash powder in two hours because I was vanishing every other mob.  I coudn't kill one mob my own level without dropping down to >10% health and burning half a dozen timers!
I don't even want to try PvP, because I know I'll be worth jack shit.

So what am I supposed to do?  I'm respeccing combat once I get the gold, so that may help.  If not, what then?  I don't want to play a worthless class.  I could make a blacksmith to open locks, because that's all I'll be good for.  I could level Jhade, sure, but I'm sick to death of the 0-40 game, because I've done it at least six times now.  I finally got within sight of the end, when all of the sudden I can't pull it off.  I hear "Oh, it'll get better at 70!" and I think "Sure.  Maybe they're right."  But then consider this: the grind from 60 to 70 will require more effort than any other 10-level interval.  I don't want to play a character that I'm beginning to loathe for another four months.  I really liked playing Dvalin - rogues were the only class that I completely enjoyed, and now they arn't worth playing.


Everything Un4 said is true. The attacked out of vanish bug is back as well. I can vanish, but other players still see me and attack as if I had done nothing. This game is starting to no longer be fun for me. As much as I have tried to adapt to the idiocy of this patch, I can't. When a paladin in greens out dps's a rogue, it is just so wrong. good game blizzard, hope you fix this before tbc, or I will be sayin gmy farewells.


I've noticed something.

DB and I agree on almost everything.


Ok, since I'm sick of bitching about being a rogue now, and others are sick of hearing about it. I won't be on TB too much anymore until they fix this bullshit with rogues. I will be more than likely leveling a new character. Rogues are nerfed and useless now imo. No one wanted rogues ona pug before, no one is gonna want one now that our only retained ability is opening lockboxes, which would have been nerfed if the employees at Blizzard didn't need their lockboxes opened.


Quote from: Thingiebob on December 07, 2006, 08:06:06 AM
Everything Un4 said is true. The attacked out of vanish bug is back as well. I can vanish, but other players still see me and attack as if I had done nothing. This game is starting to no longer be fun for me. As much as I have tried to adapt to the idiocy of this patch, I can't. When a paladin in greens out dps's a rogue, it is just so wrong. good game blizzard, hope you fix this before tbc, or I will be sayin gmy farewells.

show me a pally in greens outdps a rogue lol....even with fully spec'ed in ret thats impossible....and i know for sure cuz when me and sus ran scholo it felt like he was killin super fast.


I respecced (again) assassination.  It's playable, at least.  Exact rundown I'll post on the rogue forum here.


I dont see what all the complaining is about rogue's still are good and still can own so you lost some of your dps and imbaness so what learn to adapt and move on it's wrong in my opinion to only wanna play if your class can completely own where is the challenge in that. You should see this as a chance to improve your skills and adapt not whine and quit the game.


Quote from: Kaethdorala on December 12, 2006, 09:57:21 AM
I dont see what all the complaining is about rogue's still are good and still can own so you lost some of your dps and imbaness so what learn to adapt and move on it's wrong in my opinion to only wanna play if your class can completely own where is the challenge in that. You should see this as a chance to improve your skills and adapt not whine and quit the game.
Read above.


I think everyone has the right to whine when there class gets nerfed. It doesn't mean we like our class because its powerful. It just means they made things a little unfair for the rogues. Vanish is a skill thats suppose to exit us out of combat it no longer does that if we have a pet on us. This would be like taking Feign Death away from a hunter, or Fear from a warlock. Its one of our survival skills we need it for multiple reasons. Giving everyone resilence was a bit premature as well on the side of blizzard. I think after TBC comes out we will be doing normal damage again cause there will be more gear to cancel out the opponents resilence. How ever for a Melee Damage base class such as the rogue, until TBC comes out its killing our class in PvP. I havn't noticed any differnce in PvE yet though. I do know i get owned alot more in PvP after the patch how ever.. Perhaps im just playing my class wrong now IDK. I too will have to adapt.