Arcanite barz

Started by Tolwen, August 15, 2006, 05:05:43 AM

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hey i never use my arcanite trans... from after 1.11 so if any1 wants it just tell me
or we can make it for [wowitem]Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker[/wowitem] cuz i heard it needs 100bar....will need it 1day


you also need elementium, which requires you to beat at least the 4th BWL


I am slowly collecting mats to make [wowitem]Hammer of the Titans[/wowitem]

I have all but the arcanite and a few essences of earth.

I 'll hit you up if i can find some arcane crystals cheap enough



Thunderfury looks beastly.


I am your arcanite transmute man, unless there's someone else.


yeah we just got that sword for our main tank On surumar...

it took a LOONG ass time to get... the elementium was a Buggah, and then to top it off, you had to get both sides of the wrists that drops in MC, on the last couple of bosses...

and their drop rate is about 1%.. we ran MC probabaly close to 100 times full runs... THEN you have to beat thunderfury himself in Silithus... he was a buggah too..

its not impossible.. but you have to have a good guild behind ya to help out. good luck