You call this creamer?

Started by Arcdelad, November 12, 2007, 08:15:36 AM

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So...even though I had more sleep this weekend than ive had in the past two years of my WOW-obsessed life, I stumbled over to the office kitchen to brew my own personal cup of caffienated goodness. The pulsating, pounding gong in my head told me that not only did I not drink any caffiene this weekend, but I am probably more addicted to caffiene than WOW.

Ahh...options. First of all, one coffee packet alone in the machine is for amatuers. For pure, face heatening coffee blackness you need to double up the recommended doses, and damn the admin who will complain about it! Second of all...I like to bring out the inner Emeril when I brew my coffee and spice it up (minus the annoying BAM or self-aggrandization). Two Columbian Supremos? No way...try one Columbian Supremo and one Hazelnut...or get really crazy and put on hazulnet and one vanilla nut in....

Now...the coffee is brewing...I patiently read the cover of the Wall Street Journal (who the hell draws all those hand drawn portraits? and why dont you just use pictures?) money money money...if I were obsessed with money this stuff might be appealing. My coffee is now I pour a nice healthy amount (first of many) into my the fridge....and there is NO creamer available. No half and half, no coffeemate variety....nothing.

How can this be? I dial up the office manager in a panic. This is the same genious who restricted my access to binder clips and hides all the Bic pens so employees don't treat them as disposable commodities (even though the packaging clearly says "disposable" pens).

"What?", the uber-bitchy and now pregnant (man am i screwed) lady answers. I ask where the creamer is, and she tells me to look on the counter, then abruptly hangs up (presumably to calculate her hormone levels). And there is my answer....we only get POWDERED creamer now. If I wanted dipotassium phosphate and corn syrup solids I would go back to college and lick the instruments in the chemistry lab again. This crap has such a poor consistency, has zero milk content, and inevitably forms clumps of evil floating on the top of my carefully brewed goodness.

Should I go BUY my own creamer? too lazy for that, and I don't have my own mini fridge. I guess today I will suffer............


LOL you damn coffee addicts.

I don't care much for coffee, think I only drank coffee 5 times in my life.

fiere redfern

Do what I do and take it black =P I like coffee in my coffee, and anything else just dilutes the taste - plus the mixture of bitter coffee and sugary sweetness tastes revolting. I can't eat/drink anything coffee-flavored - just straight coffee and HOT at that. Iced coffee does nothing for me >.<


you could try not being a nancy and drinking your coffee black.  works for me.

XD <3


Iced tea. Lots of sugar. Lemon optional.

Trust me on this one, Arc. It'll be right beside the trays of Krispy Kreme doughnuts as you enter the gates of heaven!  ;D


bunch of savages around here...

I only drink black coffee when gren or nix pull aggro and me ample time to run to the kitchen for coffee, but not enough time to put creamer in it.....

you damn aggro stealers also give me ample time to do stealth bio' thanks!


Quote from: Arcdelad on November 12, 2007, 12:26:25 PM
bunch of savages around here...

I only drink black coffee when gren or nix pull aggro and me ample time to run to the kitchen for coffee, but not enough time to put creamer in it.....

you damn aggro stealers also give me ample time to do stealth bio' thanks!



Or... if you're really hardcore... Take the coffee packet, take a pinch of it and pack it in your lip like Copenhagen. Than snort some Tabasco sauce for good measure. You won't fall asleep for days.


to me, cream actually kills the taste of coffee... it has to be black, and hot, otherwise you may as well do as JR said...

kudos to that johnnie.


Double espresso: $1.80.  Possibly a tad more at Starbucks.
Regardless, you should be drinking real coffee.

fiere redfern

Quote from: Muridin on November 12, 2007, 06:11:58 PM
to me, cream actually kills the taste of coffee... it has to be black, and hot, otherwise you may as well do as JR said...

kudos to that johnnie.

Man after my own heart ;)

<3 Muri


Quote from: fiere redfern on November 12, 2007, 09:49:50 PM
Quote from: Muridin on November 12, 2007, 06:11:58 PM
to me, cream actually kills the taste of coffee... it has to be black, and hot, otherwise you may as well do as JR said...

kudos to that johnnie.

Man after my own heart ;)

<3 Muri

your quite welcome there fiere  ;)

see, thats 2 ppl against crazy arc...oh shoot, i really shouldnt piss of the bear



Give me a nice hot chocolate with a scoop of the best ice-cream any day.


Quote from: Threlin on November 12, 2007, 12:21:08 PM
Iced tea. Lots of sugar. Lemon optional.

Trust me on this one, Arc. It'll be right beside the trays of Krispy Kreme doughnuts as you enter the gates of heaven!  ;D


ps way to give away your southern heritage lawlz


Quote from: Luise on November 12, 2007, 10:45:17 PM

Give me a nice hot chocolate with a scoop of the best ice-cream any day.
Exactly!  O0 
I really don't understand how my dad "has" to drink coffee everyday, I can barely have slip of it... ???

O and LOLs to posts above ;D :)