The Battle of Mount Hyjal Attunement

Started by Muridin, February 11, 2007, 04:01:13 AM

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The Battle of Mount Hyjal will require players to be attuned to the instance before entering it, in a way similar to Onyxia's Lair. First of all, you must be level 70. Second, you must have completed both the Escape from Durnholde Keep instance and Opening the Dark Portal instance. After that, you must talk to Soridormi, the consort of Nozdormu. She will give you a quest named The Vials of Eternity. This questline requires you to complete the Cipher of Damnation quest chain in Shadowmoon Valley and the Stormspire quests in Netherstorm. The chain ends when Nexus-Prince Harammad sends you to A'dal with a crystal. A'dal will give you the Arcatraz Key quest. The crystal key is divided in two halves, one half is held by the last boss of Tempest Keep's Botanica wing, Warp Splinter. The other half is held by the last boss in the Mechanar wing, Pathaleon the Calculator. Once you have assembled the key and completed both quest chains, Khadgar will talk to you. He will ask you to talk to A'dal, who will give you the quest chain for The Eye, which is the lair of Kael'Thas. This key is named the Tempest Key, for the final showdown with Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider.

Now, you must complete the Trials of the Naaru: Mercy, Strength and Tenacity. This is not an easy task, for you have to complete the three trials in Heroic-mode. You must kill Murmur in Auchidoun, retrieve an unused Axe of the Executioner from Hellfire Citadel's Shattered Halls, retrieve Kalithresh's Trident in the Steamvaults of Coilfang Reservoir, and rescue Millhouse Manastorm after killing the last boss of Tempest Keep's Arcatraz wing. This is not the easiest past, since you must be revered with the Sha'tar faction to obtain the Tempest Keep Heroic key, revered with the Lower City to obtain the Auchenai Key to unlock the Auchindoun Dungeons in Heroic-mode, revered with the Cenarion Expedition to unlock the Heroic-mode for Coilfang Reservoir dungens, and revered with Thrallmar or Honor Hold to unlock the Heroic-mode difficulty for the Hellfire Citadel dungeons. Once you have completed the quests, return to A'dal and then kill Magtheridon in the dungeon Magtheridon's Lair, A'dal will grant you the Tempest Key to enter The Eye. Kill Kael'Thas, and loot his Vial of Eternity.

Lady Vashj is your next target. She also holds a Vial of Eternity, you need to do Heroic Slave Pen to get the quest to enter her dungeon, then you need to kill Gruul in Gruul's Lair and Nightbane in Karazhan to gain access to enter her dungeon.

By this point you should be friendly with the Scales of the Sands. You can now enter the Battle of Mount Hyjal.


This is a 25 man raid too...with our guild population we should be able to do this regularly once were all geared up and levelled for it....cant wait to do this with you guys :)



Ya I have all these quests to start for all these attunements just gotta grind instances for rep now. I agree with arc with the new 25 man raids we should have no problem experiences all the new content in time.





I probably won't, but that's ok.  I'm not ruling it out either.

Lord Entropy

World of Repcraft.  I guess Blizz can't come up with anything better than grinding to keep the powergamers from blowing through content.  Leveling 4 factions to revered to access content is not my idea of fun.


This rep isnt that difficult to obtain.   Just by doing all the quests and a few rep turnins prior and a couple runs of each instance will get you there.  I suppose the "powergamers" who dont like all the game content and skip much of it to get to end game raids will find this annoying.   Others enjoy it.  Without even targeting these rep factions, Im  revered with one and almost with the other 3.  Im still not finished the chain quests either.


QuoteThis rep isnt that difficult to obtain.   Just by doing all the quests and a few rep turnins prior and a couple runs of each instance will get you there.  I suppose the "powergamers" who dont like all the game content and skip much of it to get to end game raids will find this annoying.   Others enjoy it.  Without even targeting these rep factions, Im  revered with one and almost with the other 3.  Im still not finished the chain quests either.


Lord Entropy

I have to disagree.

For example, I've done almost all the honor hold quests and I'm not even honored yet.  Once I hit honored there are only two ways to gain faction - the repeatable PvP quest and running Shattered Halls.  So I can grind PvP or grind an instance - that sucks.  Had I read Wowiki, I would have saved all my Hellfire quests until I hit honored and instead run HFR until I hit honored.  As it is, I have a tremendous amount of grinding ahead just for honor hold.

The other factions work similarly.  The quickest way to gain faction is to grind until honored, then do the faction quests to get revered faster.  But that requires grinding sooner rather than later.  Most people will do the quests and a few instances, get partway into honored and then are faced with hours of instance grinding to reach revered.  I would guess the one faction you're revered with already is Cenarion, which is relatively easy because they have so many quests.

My whole point is that rep grinding sucks.  You inevitably are forced at some point to grind just to access content.  Why couldn't blizz make a long and difficult quest-line instead?  This is even worse than the famous Horde Ony key quest which required 3 LBRS runs - that's nothing compared to what this key requires - not only a long, complex quest line, but rep grinding as well.

Rep grinding for special rewards/recipes/items is one thing, but rep grinding to access content is quite another.  Rep grinding requirements are the lazy way out instead of putting in decent, interesting and challenging quest lines.  This is a casual guild - how many months do you think it will be until we have enough players of the appropriate classes who've completed this key quest to run this?  Keep in mind this keying requires a completing a minimum of 10 regular instance runs and 4 heroic in addition to the rep requirements and a full Kharazan run.


The strategy you describe, LE, is the least painful way to hit Revered Rep with the factions you'll need.  Obviously, most folks don't go that route their first time through Outlands because the natural way to grind levels is to do quests.  I'll do it differently when I take my alt through there.

However, I feel compelled to say that you aren't being forced into attunement for this raid zone.  Blizz has to have a carrot out there for uber guilds, something that will keep folks occupied for awhile to bridge the gap until the next expansion.  With only 10 added levels, rep grinding is a likely way to keep people logging in on a regular basis.  I don't think this zone is meant for everyone to see.

Whether or not Twilight raids it this year...who knows.  While I am passively working towards getting attuned for this, I would be happy just doing Karazhan guild raids a few times per month, as well as visiting the old world raid zones and running heroic instances from time to time with guildies.  I still haven't even seen Ony yet.


Im not sure what u disagree with Lord.

I didnt do any of the suggested ways of getting to revered in HH faction efficiently.  I did the quests first and by the time i entered shatttered halls i was 4k rep into honored.  After i came out of shattered halls i was 7k with one quest turn in.   At 2k rep a run, it wont take long to hit revered at all.  I also still have 2 more quests in there to do.    I am already revered with cenarian expediation.   Still running steamvaults and 17k away from exalted.   Im 5k from revered with sha'trah.  I stil dont have the frags to make the key to get into arcatraz.  In there i still need the final fragment for the kharazan key quest.  Lower city rep im 3k from revered.  I dont have any reason other than rep to do Shadow Labs but i find it a very challenging (sometimes frustrating) run but enjoy doing it.

Like i said, a few runs in instances get you the revered rep you need.   Judging how the "powerguilds" raced through the bc content in a couple days to get to 70 and how they used the bug to summon guilds to all the instances needed to get kharazan key chain quest completed,  they consider it annnoying.    Lots of other people enjoy the content.  They want to experience everything (not just one run of an instance)

Dont confuse rep grinding with something I believe "powerguilds" consider an annoyance.   To get to revered u could run these instances 5 times in one day and get the rep u need.   Thats by no means a grind campared to what real rep grinding is

Im one who can grind rep with the best of them.    Timbermaw rep took 2 straight weeks of boring solid killing every day to get to exalted.   Argent Dawn took 3 weeks and was costly.    To get to revered with the Thorium brotherhood took months.   Without being in MC the only thing u could get rep for was dark iron ore.  I used well over 2k gold worth to get it.

Spending a day or 2 running instances isnt griinding.  To me its an annnoyance for the "powerguilds" who think its a grind

Lord Entropy

I don't mind rep grinding per se, although it is the lazy way to keep people playing.  It's a lot easier from a design standpoint to simply add a rep requirement with rewards than design actual quests.

So rep grinding annoys me to begin with, but when it's required to access content, that's where I draw the line.  I understand many may disagree and that's fine. 

I don't really care what the powerguilds do.  What annoys me is when Blizz makes attempts, like this attunement quest, to keep them busy it almost always fails to do so while at the same time it affects more casual players like myself.  Blizz consistently underestimates the powerplayers ability to get around or blow through these roadblocks.

Anyway, that's my main point - it just annoys me.


Well, I am about the opposite of Gren... I am exalted with nobody.  I did everything wrong in BC (rep wise).. never ran Ramparts until I had finished many of the HFP quests.  Ditto Cenarion Expedition.  I am level 69 and am still in Nagrand, have only done a small portion of the quests out of Telaar and the consortium camp. 

It is REALLY slow going...

That said, I am well into honored for most (if not all) of these factions.  To me, rushing to get attuned will just mean I can join a PUG spot in a group (Yuck!!) and be undergeared.  I am sure that the required rep will just happen as I work to complete my Dungeon tier3 or perhaps even some Tier4 gear.  I have lots of fun left before any of this is a "grind".