Twilight Guild Forum

World of Warcraft => Class Discussion => Warrior => Topic started by: Docsamson on June 29, 2009, 10:40:26 AM

Title: 3.2: Shield Slam and You
Post by: Docsamson on June 29, 2009, 10:40:26 AM

This was just on AJ, all against decently-resilienced targets on the PTR (so the flat damage reduction is active instead of DoT reduction).  Block actually seems like it's pretty cool now if you can stack it reasonably high, and Prot War/Pally PvP might be the new FotM.  Holyprot/Prot War would probably be fairly insane as well, if your gearing allowed you to stack enough block and keep your healing somewhat high.  I say somewhat because you're both prot and near unkillable anyway, unless you get Dismantled.