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Started by usonian, October 24, 2006, 10:34:43 AM

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hmm cool thanks for the advice, can't wait to start my draeni tank.

Its pretty similiar to pally tanking xcept sunders are now known as judging the seal of righteousness for holy dmg when its up and bashing the other target with that seal on :p


Hey Uso, could you give an updated threat list?  I do not have the program and I was wondering about threat generation with the new talents the pre-BC patch gave us.  Devestate seems awfully powerful in threat generation, but does it beat out Revenge?


threat and tanking is a good topic to talk about right pretty sure that eevry warrior in our guild is now fury /arms, so when we run these 5 mans or even go back to ZG / AQ here, we need to look at other options like feral druid tanks, palladins, etc

i know from personal experience that feral druids have gotten a significant boost in tanking ability and threat generation...dire bear fgorm now gives +450% armor contribution ILO of the old 350%, plus our dodge upping abilities that used to only apply to cat form now apply to both cat and bear...i was running hellfire cit recently with 4 pallies and I had 14.5K armor with buffs plus an excellent defense rating...

druids also get a form of sunder at 64 i think, so even then without a prot warrior in a raid we could do our same old "wait for the sunder" system...


To answer your question Quickslver, Devastate is a little tricky to place into the standard list of threat-building abilities because both it's threat and damage scale with the number of sunders that you have placed on the target.  Based on my experience and research into the math behind Devastate, I've found that Revenge and Shield Slam will still yield more threat per single attack than the other abilities.

Now, getting to the third position on the list is where it gets a little more fuzzy with the addition of Devastate.  Individual Sunders generate more base threat per hit than Devastate will up until there are 5 Sunders applied to the target.  It is at this point that the base threat per hit of Sunder and Devastate become nearly equal.  Where Devastate rises above Sunder is the addition of more damage per hit.  This helps us to generate more threat from damage dealt as well as contribute a little more to the overall DPS of the group, especially in long boss fights.  It will also help a bit in doing some more damage solo should you choose to stay protection spec'd while leveling.  Because Devastate's effectiveness is only maximized after the application of 5 Sunders, it is really only worth using on fights that last long enough to get those sunders in.  In those situations, I would basically just spam sunders up to 5 then replace Sunder with Devastate in the rotation.  In fights where you know you won't get 5 sunders, just ignore Devastate.


Hey, thanks for the clarification.  I decided earlier that I am going to stay protection instead of going Fury/ Arms like most everyone else.  This makes it more difficult for me to level, but I am hoping that this will make me of more use to the guild.  In the end, we will all get to 70, but I would like to be useful on the way there.  Thanks again for the explaination, I rearranged my "hit-list" for buttons to fit what you described.