Starbucks is NOT a landmark

Started by Arcdelad, May 12, 2008, 05:04:57 AM

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Arcdelad we are, hoofing it around washington DC this weekend...yes...the streets are logically set up in a conveniant grid system A-Z and 1-20...yes, streets are named things like New York and Pennsylvania making them easy to remember...and yes, there are big chunks of rock like say, oh, the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial to act as scenic placekeepers...

...which is why we naturally used STARBUCKS as the means to remind us how to get back to places and how to note where we had been :P Just one little hicup in that plan...there is literally a starbucks on every street in DC...sometimes there are 3-4 starbucks on a single block, which is just nuts lol

Or maybe...this is just my kind of town - where walking 3 minutes without a fresh injection of caffiene is just too much...maybe this town is so caffeine addicted that they need an espresso shot to make it to the next starbucks, and people act like hanzel and gretel following the caffeinated breadcrumb trail to wherever they need to get to....

On a side note: they just opened up the Newseum - a truly AMAZING new museum dedicated to the media in various forms and its history and future...I would highly recomend forking out the $20 per person ticket price for it...very intersting - see 2 cell phone pics below:


Starbucks crawl, Arc - you know you want to!


I do! Except the few i went into there had crappy service....i thought they only hired happy artistic hipsters....guess not :P

check out this mapquest map of just 10 starbucks in the heart of dc:


In Seattle there will be Starbucks on opposite corners of the same intersection, a Seattle's best on another, and some indy coffee place on the other.  Then you walk about 500ft and hit another Starbucks.  I love that town, but that is just ridiculous.


dude...look at 24th st and camelback in phoenix sometime...i think there is one on all 4 corners if i remember...


"Impossible odds, mentally unbalanced foes, cramped quarters for a good punch-up... and people say Iest has no night life."
-- Cerebus

"I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but by God, they frighten me."
-- The Duke of Wellington



Starbucks is gettin popular here is Sydney too- we have one in the city of Penrith (10 minutes from us), but still none in Emu Plains (that's actually the suburb we live in- but we do have McDonalds /sigh ).