PVP and me

Started by Darkling, December 11, 2006, 12:04:56 PM

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Looking at the epic pvp armor, I realized it got nerfed. It is absolutely no different than the rare armor. Maybe a little extra stamina and agility added. Then I looked at the honor cost of the epic weapons...here comes the rant.

I feel like I have been in the bg's a lot in the past week. I have 31 AB marks, 17 WSG marks, and 13 AV marks. sounds like a lot. I have just over 8000 honor points. This pvp system may be great for some because many are just now getting into it. For me, after busting my ass so much before the patch and looking at it now, I'm done with it. It has been a complete waste of my time and effort since patch 2.0.

Every bg I have been in has been a loss - except for 3. In one AB, I capped 3 nodes fully. I got 0 honor. In WSG, I have now returned the flag quite a lot. Nothing. AV, ha! A joke. It is nothing but alliance zerg to horde base and vice versa. And alliance loses because Horde can avoid all of our bunkers and go straight to our main starting GY, where as we have to pound through everything horde has.

Blizzard had their heads up their asses once again thinking this would force teams to be made for better odds at winning the bgs. It didn't work. Period. It is still just a grind like everything else in this game. I'm tired of grinding. I want to play the game and enjoy time with friends.

With that said, PVP will only be casual for me now. I'm looking at going back to sub spec for imp sap to ustilize once again in dungeons. This includes duels. After a break, I may change my mind. but for now, good bye bg's for a long long time.


you ever see that movie called "8 seconds"?


u get honor in AB when u get resources, i believe every 100 or 50 points u bring in u get 20ish honor.
Sadly but the only time u make honor in WSG is when u cap a flag, the only time u get bonus honor is when you have capped at least 1 flag.
In AV, my win/lose ratio must be something absurd like 20:1...I usually stay on defence cuz thats how you rack up the honor points big time.
I think the amount of honor u need for weapons and marks should be balanced a bit more, atm it seems u will end up wasting marks but they claimed after the expansion is out they will lower the costs significantly.
I think for the amount of time it took to get the GM stuff before compared to now is very fair, had they done this in the start everyone would have been geared out in GM weapons so I think that the ratio of games it takes to buy something is pretty much on par with some of the best stuff in the game and even more so the amount of time it takes us to raid and get maybe a blue or epic vs. a gaurenteed epic thats better then anything from aq/zg/mc is far more desirable. The only reason I raid now is just for fun, ill take whatever gear comes along but i know i can get much better stuff from pvp for most things.


Gren brought up a really good point to Lyte the other day, TB...

Don't pvp right now for the lvl60 stuff. Save up your honor and marks for the lv70 gear when it comes out. Now's a great time to begin working towards a set of gear that will be really decent when you're at lv70 and not yet ready for the t4-t5 instances.


im gettin the lv60 stuff just cuz by the time i hit lv70...i'll probably have capped out my marks and honor(both have a cap)


i atleast would like to get a GM weapon or two, my weapons atm suck

its a cruel cycle really, i need to PvP for the weapon, and the weapon is for the PvP


Yeah suposedly the grind from 60 to 70 is going to be like the grind from 1-40. That takes some time. I'd much rather get a GM weapon or two just to have a weapon that will last me for a while. This information may have changed since i researched it, but a month or two ago it was said that all xp from 60-70 is going to come from quests. The mobs arent going to offer much xp especially in the upper 60's. Can anyone confirm or deny this?


I think that it is a farely good exchange you can get the new pvp stuff much easier than before. But im saving my marks and honor as well because you can have up too 100 of each mark which i dont think I'll have anytime soon. Also I hear the mobs will be farely good xp from the preview of the first dugneon in the caverns of time Thralls escape from durnholde keep a guy said that he just grinded all of level 65 in there with a little rest only took him four runs through it and blizz made dungeons alot quicker once you know the pulls so you can get a level a day easy if you really try.


Well if thats the case I'd be fine with it. Me wants lvl 70!


oh crap!

i wouldnt be on as much next yr as this, as im doing my last year of high school


I think the new honor system is a PoS.  Casually PvPing (about an hour a day as the maximum averaged estimate), I made Knight and almost hit rank 7.  I frankly had a better chance of getting GM gear under the old system than I do now.


but some of us werent as lucky

i hit knight, and nearly made rank 7, but i went away for 2 weeks, came back, and had dropped all the way down to master sergeant

the casual way is nice, where u wont lose points unless u spend them


Yeah- I like the casual way. I think it's better too- for kids especially- so they don't get too addicted, and for adults - I had a friend who took 2 weeks leave- just to play wow 24/7 to get to Commander. Pvp is less of a chore and more of an option now :)

As for saving for lvl 70- I decided a long time ago to just play this game as I went- as long as i was enjoying myself. So - I'll be spending my honor on GM gear as I go. Because I'm slow to level too.

The only thing I was wondering about- is I've been told that flying mounts will cost about 1000g- if this is the case- should I not bother with the epic mount and wait for the flying mount?- if i ever get to save that much money :xmaswreath:


Meh, I'm not gonna worry about any epic mount anymore. It's too much of a grind and too disgusting of blizzard for me to try for that. I can spend my gold better elsewhere.


it wuold be nice though, if they could fly other than in outland.... i would like to see it that you can fly over certain area's .....

first place that comes to mind would be XR, Astraanar, just so you con lob bombs down at the players beneath lol