First Kara Run

Started by Arcdelad, April 05, 2007, 06:41:44 AM

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First of all, thank you to everyone who participated in Twilight's first Karazhan run last night - Aldel, Depressing, Gren, Lynette, Lyte, Kaid, Skulkrasha, Tyban, and Voc...special thanks to Lynette for setting this up and spending a lot of time really digging into the strategy behind this place.

We started off a little rough and you could tell people had a bit of nerves and didnt know what to expect (myself included), but after about 20 minutes our group really solidified and we got the hang of this place.

We killed Attumen the huntsman on the second attempt...this guy is widely believed to be a gear check for if a guild is ready for kara, so id say we passed :)

Tyban won [wowitem]Stalker's War Bands[/wowitem], and Depressing won [wowitem]Worgen Claw Necklace[/wowitem]. Everyone also got a nice ring just for hitting friendly with the local kara faction.

We attempted the second boss twice (Moroes), but at that point it was really late and everybody was a bit exhausted I think...we may make a second attempt at this tonight around 8:30-9:00 if enough people are interested.

GRATS everyone...I think the next time we run this from the beginning its going to be a lot easier...


I want to give everyone props for playing their classes so well.  We looked like a veteran group of raiders inside once we settled into our rhythm.  Thanks also go out to the East Coasters who obviously stayed up way past their bedtime to allow us to continue after Attumen.

This was primarily meant to be a learning experience so we can understand this place better.  I believe we accomplished spades.  Some things I picked up on are the need for 2 tanks, 2 or 3 healers, AE (if going for Moroes), and crowd control other than sheep or sap (traps, shackle, and turn undead worked well).  Aggro management was crucial, as many of these trash mobs hit me (leather) for 8k, clothies for more.  We now know how to pull the first two floors and how to defeat the first boss. 

A few screenshots have been loaded into our Photo Gallery (

One thing for sure, we'll need more guildies to complete their attunement in order to get much further inside.  Ideally, I think we need to start this earlier to accomodate those who cannot stay on super late, then swap in replacements with late night players after a few hours.  We want to include everyone in the guild who wishes to get a taste of Karazhan, and I believe we can using this approach.  It might take another month or so, but we'll get there.

As for Moroes, lets try and figure out what we need to do differently on him.  We looked solid until he got to about 65%, when our MT went down.  Any thoughts?


Our first attempt on Moroes actually was better than our second wild card we need to think about is that the 4 adds around moroes can vary...we had two pallies and two warriors last night, but we could get priests (that can dispel shackle), shadow priests (mana burn fiends) , or other varieties next time...

moroes himself is NOT hard...hes immune to taunt, but I stacked 5 lacerates on him and he never looked at anyone else...he does NOT hit very hard (1.2k at most i think on me), and for being a rogue he sure missed me a say I dodged about 2/3 of his attacks....the killer was that damn Garrote attack...that thing tics 1k health off of me every 3 seconds, and has a 5 minute duration....i had about 11k health last night buffed...the first time when we got him into the 30% range of health we were healing through that really well...wowwiki says dying is the best way to get rid of this thing LOL

so...moroes vanishes periodically and when he reappears hell garrote a random person than head back to me (aggro doesnt clear when he vanishes) me it seems this fight is all about killing the bare minimum number of his adds, CCing the rest, and then all out dpsing moroes down...


The MT is supposed to stay on top of his aggro list, and if he dies or gets gouged the OT should be next on the aggro list. If the tank is blinded, someone in the raid must dispell it. And about the garrote, theres no way to debuff it unless a pally will bubble you, but if your a mage you can use Ice Block and if your a dwarf, Stoneform. Otherwise, your going to have to live with 1k dmg every 3 seconds...And [wowitem]Rune of the Dawn[/wowitem][wowitem]Seal of the Dawn[/wowitem] helps too  :P


Thanks for the run last night, guys.  Sorry I had to leave before your second attempt on the second boss.


no lyte..Im really sorry we kept you so long...that picture by your name is waaay mroe important than the second try on a boss...i think were going to make these start at nine and swap in and out members, so hopefully itll work better for you lyte....