Mount Macro for Dalaran et al

Started by Nixphire, December 20, 2008, 10:05:24 AM

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Here's the macro I use. Makes it pretty easy if you bind you mount to a key to just hit shift and hit the same key when you're not able to fly or questing around helping lower level guildies.

/dismount [mounted]
/cast [nomod, flyable] Cobalt Netherwing Drake; [mod:Shift] Swift Frostsaber
/stopmacro [flyable]
/cast [noflyable] Swift Frostsaber


Here's an updated one. It takes out the shift, but it's only one button even in Wintersgrasp and Dalaran.
/dismount [mounted]
/script local m=GetZoneText() if (m=="Dalaran" or m=="Wintergrasp") and (GetSubZoneText()~="Krasus' Landing") then CallCompanion("MOUNT", 25);end
/cast [nomod, flyable] Cobalt Netherwing Drake; [nomounted] Swift Mistsaber

BTW the ("MOUNT", 25) is the number mount on your Pet bar.