Twilight Guild Forum

World of Warcraft => Class Discussion => Hunter => Topic started by: Shadowwolf on November 21, 2006, 01:16:19 PM

Title: Cenarion Circle / AQ20 Hunter Set
Post by: Shadowwolf on November 21, 2006, 01:16:19 PM
Hunter CC set items are as follows:

[wowitem]Signet of the Unseen Path[/wowitem]

[wowitem]Cloak of the Unseen Path[/wowitem]

[wowitem]Scythe of the Unseen Path[/wowitem]

Each item requires the following items from AQ and Cenarion Circle reputation for turn-in.

RewardTurn-in ItemsRequired Faction
[wowitem]Signet of the Unseen Path[/wowitem][wowitem]Qiraji Ceremonial Ring[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Amber Idol[/wowitem] x2
[wowitem]Gold Scarab[/wowitem] x5
[wowitem]Clay Scarab[/wowitem] x5
[wowitem]Cloak of the Unseen Path[/wowitem][wowitem]Qiraji Regal Drape[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Lambent Idol[/wowitem] x2
[wowitem]Stone Scarab[/wowitem] x5
[wowitem]Crystal Scarab[/wowitem] x5
[wowitem]Scythe of the Unseen Path[/wowitem][wowitem]Qiraji Spiked Hilt[/wowitem]
[wowitem]Azure Idol[/wowitem] x2
[wowitem]Bone Scarab[/wowitem] x5
[wowitem]Silver Scarab[/wowitem] x5