Hunter DPS Increase

Started by Emmalina, October 10, 2006, 06:47:08 PM

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Taken from the WoW website, regarding hunters:

"Ranged weapons have had their damage values significantly increased (and consequently the weapon's dps)... this also helps make weapon upgrades feel more meaningful for Hunters than it did previously (along with the other changes, this change is retroactive)."

I know very little about hunters and I've never played one past level 12 or so, but are they really treating hunters as if they're underpowered right now? Multiple times in BG's I've seen [-2300....-700...-500] and I'm dead within 2 seconds or so. Are these just well geared hunters? Just looking for a hunter's perspective here because they harass me so much and I get so frustrated being taken down from so far away so easily. Are you guys really in need of a significant DPS increase in your opinion?


Set progress: D0/D1: 2/8, T1: 4/8, T2: 3/8, T3: 0/9, T4: 4/5, T5: 3/5, T6: 2/8, T7: 1/5, T8:4/5, T9: 3/5, T10: 0/5


DoTs, FD, instant traps, and pets weren't enough?

v76 Blizz!


hah don't pick and chose, blizzard has halved my damage, literarly, 50% less dmg. The majority of my dps was based on my agility which gave me 2 attack ranged power for each 1 agi, now it only gives me 1 AP per agi....which means 50% less dps.


Try putting everything on a timer  :pumpk3:


As it stands, we get 2 ranged AP for every 1 agi.  The rumor is that they're dropping that to 1 Ranged AP for every 1 agi.  Hunters DPS is not consistant and sure we can 2 shot a cloth wearer if we're lucky enough to crit aimed shot then multi shot but it's a complete crap shoot.  So I may hit 2k, 1.2k and 400 in a row but how often do you crit 2-3 times in a row?  Normally it would be a 600, 300, 200 combo.  Our DPS is supposed to stay about the same but be more predictable.   


And I also want to add that our DPS is ok, but it's nothing that a lock/mage/rouge couldn't do better.  Lets just say 20% of our damage comes from our pet, but they usually die before you hit halfway in a boss fight.  So now we're down to 80% effectiveness where another class stays at 100% the whole fight. 

I'm not complaining about nerf vs. buff but hunters are only overpowered in very ideal conditions :)


...which happen not only to be prevalent in BGs, but also happen to be a rogue's worst conditions ;)


its not a rumor that they are killing our agility, its a fact lol. Its on the blizzard sites somewhere but i don't have the link on me atm.