Anyone ever tried this?

Started by Twist, May 31, 2007, 06:15:03 AM

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Was just messing around.... but it looks viable.  You get all the spell power raid scaling from buffs and your nukes get ruin.  Also you get that added 10% chance to crit on your destruction spells, soul linked succy 15% more dmg.  I dunno though, prolly wouldn't be very good for pvp, but I am thinking it might have it's place in pve.  I might try it out pretty soon.  Just wanted to see what the other locks thought


That is actually one of the big burst raid builds for warlocks.  I don't know where that 1 point in mana feed normally goes (if it's there or if it's in Demonic Resilliance are the only 2 options I can think of).  If you are vying for high raid burst DPS I have a suggestion for something a little bit different.  The build you gave is nice, but your pet simply can't get close to any potential AoE, the succi won't survive it...(Felguard does only because he has a 50% chance to just resist the AoE outright). 

if you look at:

it has much the same burst power and while you do lack the demonic knowledge (roughly +100 dmg or so) you gain +15% shadow or fire, or gain some hp/mana regen to help your "staying power" and bump up your SB coefficiant to roughly 105-106% from 85-86% which will be your primary source of damage. (also helps your incinerate).  Using your gear (and rounding) i'd say you have roughly 750 +dmg (749 according to the character sheet with fel armor on).    Theorycrafting you'd get +792-793 per shadow bolt with an additional 15% to shadow on top of that.  541-603 dmg + the +dmg + 15% = 1532 - 1605 dmg per shadow bolt or 1333 - 1396 per bolt with a different buff (for regen of hp/mana)

your build (theorycrafting) will still have primary dps through shadowbolt (or incinerate, but incinerate is inferior still...)
(541-603 dmg + (750 + 15% of int+stam of pet (with raid buffs, roughly 150+ with your current gear) * .86) ) * .15 = 1512 - 1584 per bolt.  At +920 dmg (after demonic knowledge) these two builds have nearly identical SB casts.  With your current gear you may already be at 920 with demonic knowledge, i picked a random number to be easy on the calculator.

A brief aside: The 20 spell damage to make the damage the same must come from the demonic knowledge, if you get it by adding to gear the other build is still better for SB dmg.  If you have access to pure +dmg/shadow gear it's better to opt for better spell coefficients than more +dmg (since +900 dmg only adds 774 or so to a shadowbolt, while +750 with a better coefficient is actually +793 to your shadow bolt).

Alright... all rambling done...

Your build and the one I gave are both builds that some warlocks swear by.  For sustained DPS affliction is still king.  I think that both builds have their place but anywhere that has AoE or you possibly taking hits is a big disadvantage for the SL build since your succi will most likely die (thereby gimping your dmg til you can get another summoned) although with my spec you NEED to re-summon a pet every 30 mins and if you need to change damage types you need to re-summon another pet.  I've been both specs and I hated them both because I like to move a lot, no instant-cast spells (other than curses and a nuke) annoyed me.  You are right, it is hard in pvp to live that long with either of those builds too.

It's quite dependent on what role you want to play in groups/raids.  Some will want you to run with an imp out which hurts your damage, others will want you on seduce duty which may help you some other than when your succi gets 1/2-shot, some may even have you offtanking with VW (hooray...).   You only lose around 2% of your chance to crit and crit really sucks if you get aggro, the tank isn't getting it back til you die...

Personally, i like 6/44/11 and have maintained over 700 dps during fights even through 2 life taps and a pot (i trinketed to keep my dps up).