Insta Fears on Beasts

Started by Vengeance, April 24, 2008, 09:56:45 PM

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Yep. Hunter's  Scare Beast got buffed to an instant cast. This means when you as a druid shift to the main part of your class, shapeshifting to animal forms, you have a happy present waiting in store for you! Yay!
Think of going into all of those BGs as feral getting ready to mangle some faces off only to discover that horde has 5 hunters on their team as usual, but this time you care! This time you get to spend the entire time feared! Yay!
I sincerely hope Blizzard continues to make such fun and exciting changes.


I want insta fear of lock pets!


meh...there is still a cooldown on scare if your fighting a hunter your probably in bear form, meaning they are plinking you for miniscule amounts of damage while trying to kite you around and your waiting for feral charge to pop up again...ive never had an issue beating hunters in duels, arenas, or bgs....


1v1 isnt the issue tho they will have even MORE CC waiting for you. Any competent hunter (hunters suffer from this) will be slaughtering melee and ferals especially (tho we can shift out of their wing clip, we cant do anything about frost trap). In say, 2v2 arena, you will get CC'd more or less the entire time. Between freezing, scatter shot, fear, and depending on spec wyvern sting or intimidation. Theres more but we can spend a ton of mana to remove them. Between all this the hunter is STILL able to do damage. Sure we have feral charge and all and thats great but its on a 15 sec CD and once you use it, you can simply get feared away again, instantly.
This may not even go live, but even if it doesnt it shows blizz would rather nerf resto in accordance to "Druids" doing well in arenas, rather then certain specs doing well and other specs suffering because of that OP tree.
Honestly I think ill rather stay resto if this goes live...feral will be more then useless in BGs/arenas where hunters seem  to be crawling everywhere.


works on ghost wolf too.

just sayin'


Does the instant ghostwolf and all that remove any snairs like druids get?


Petition to change the spell name for Draenei Ghost Wolf to Goat Wolf


You cant say as though you are honestly surprised at this, seriously. Druids in feral form are virtually immune/negate just about every form of CC save fear. Mages cant sheep you, other druids cant root you, hunters cant slow you, only trap, warriors cant hamstring, rogues cant cripple poison, just about everything goes away when you change forms leaving there no option but fear and other druids really crappy cyclone which leaves priests, locks and warriors (3min CD). A hunter's scare beast is on a long CD tho, about as long as a non-shadow spec priest, 30-45s, which in 1v1 pvp a lot can take place in 30-45s.

IMO theres little to no room for complaining about this change. If you think about other melee classes like Rogues, Warriors, Ret Pallys and Enh Shaman, they are susceptible to all forms of CC and the only way to break it is luck or the pvp trinket. As a feral druid you have 3 things that can really take you out of the fight, not a whole lot there to worry about.
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Quote from: Nixphire on April 25, 2008, 03:23:27 PM
Does the instant ghostwolf and all that remove any snairs like druids get?

We are not even immune to polymorph effects while in ghost wolf form.  Shapeshifting does not cure our snare status, or any cc status....shamans just get the shaft there.


Fix the hunter pet/stealth bug and we'll talk.


I agree with shadow....druids have a lot of great things going for them...although id like to point out that: in elf form or moonkin form, all forms of humanoid cc animal form, all forms of animal CC works (including hibernate from druids) when we are in animal form, and in tree form a lock can banish a druid...for every druid form, there are strong counter measures...


The thing is, they CAN and will slow us. Sooner or later, you WILL run OOM shifting out, they wont because their traps/slows/hamstrings wont run out on them, especially for rogues or warriors unless they die.
The difference between us and rogues/warriors/ret pallies is that they have ways to either catch up to the opponent or simply not allow the opponent to go anywhere. Ret pallies have blessing of freedom/bubble/stun (though the last 2 have CDs, lets not say anything about it).
Warriors have charge/intercept (stun as well), hamstring, and something nearly every pvp warrior has...mace stun (which though it is a "random number generator" procs often enough to become a serious problem at certain times), daze howl (forget the name, some fury talent), and fear.
Rogues have crip poison, SHS, deadly throw, CLOS for whatever magically induced slow, ~2 stuns and a decapitate effect, sprint, and vanish.
Enh shammies...frost shock, earthbind, even the occasional frostbrand weapon which ill freely admit next to no enh shammy uses yet it still counts imo.
Yes warriors cant break slows on them and yes the other 2 melee classes have a CD on theirs, but unless the ret pally has been going straight battle for a long time or the rogue simply dies before either 3-5 minutes are up these classes can use these abilities indefinably. You might say we ferals can regain mana but our mana regen blows and most of the time were just going to blow it on any of our forms to break the snares then suffer from not being able to do it again after 1 shift, and are also unable to catch up to the opponent (aside from feral charge...)
To get to the point, hunters, they now have a seemingly endless way of keeping you either CC'd or out of melee range...
Fear>Trap>(insert either scatter shot, daze, wing clip)>Useless struggle by feral for ~3 seconds or so)>Fear again
Thus, a new easy way of ridding a feral from combat.
As to cyclone...try to cyclone as a feral. You might make it, but only after you lose 50% of your health and a cast time of a pyroblast. Ferals are amazingly squishy outside their forms, without the ability of -100% casting interruption on cyclone or roots. This can be done on lone healers to be sure but unless those healers are undergeared GG trying to kill it, whichever healer it may be.
But again healers arent the discussion atm and I dont feel the need to go into details of why a feral cant kill healers. Im more worried about what it would feel like to walk into a battleground with an almost guaranteed 2-3 hunters or in AVs case, 6-7+, start going around trying to kill people and get insta feared without the chance of doing anything. Or walking into whichever arena and meet the now more-often healer-hunter teams and get locked out the entire time, be it 3 minutes or 10, and watching my partner(s) die because I cant support.

Cant re-read my post atm but I think i left something vital out of here, ill check later


Blessing of Freedom has a CD Dep although it can be talented to last longer and minimize down time (still like 10 seconds or so even talented)... it still is an amazing PvP skill though.
A freedom macro is clutch for PvP though /targetself   /cast blessing of freedom   /targetlasttarget     is pure amazing for quickly putting it on yourself on the fly and not losing your target.


Last week I dumped 60k damage into a resto druid in caster form.  I had wound poison up, and kept five stacks active.  Didn't die.

CC much?


Yeah, resto def needs a nerf...this isnt the solution though.
Another problem also arises though with nerfing resto to the essentially leaves druids without an arena spec.
Sure you have those few people whove managed nice ratings with feral/balance but the majority wont reach anywhere near 2.2k or so...
Still Ill have qualms about resto dying in arenas but this nerf should NOT go through.