Insta Fears on Beasts

Started by Vengeance, April 24, 2008, 09:56:45 PM

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I don't think anyone wants resto druids nerfed into the ground- they just need to be somewhat easier to kill...

Seems to me like the classes most people have trouble fighting are affliction warlocks and resto druids- they both can take some time to put hots or dots on a couple targets which cannot be dispelled (because of lifebloom and UA). Then they have lots of ways to get away while their damage or heals run their course- druids through cyclone/shapeshifting, warlocks through fear, howl of terror, and deathcoil... In addition, you can't interrupt those instant spells with something like kick or earthshock, it has to be something like a stun, the shadowpriest silence, or mage improved counterspell.

Meanwhile, healers like paladins, shamans, and priests (though they do have a few instants) must stand in place to cast their heals and all other casters must stand in place to cast most of their spells (most classes besides locks have a few instant damage spells that cost a lot of mana compared to the "bolt" spells).


Looking at all the whines and complaints whenever there is an overpowered class/spec people will want it nerfed to the ground. Blizz doesnt usually bow down before the QQ but sometimes they tend to go overboard (See
The problem with affliction locks is that if you stick a melee...ANY melee on the lock(except feral, of course) they'll die, easily. Thats why most locks you see in pvp are SL/SL, because thats the only spec with any survivability against melee...though it still rarely helps except to make your opponent have to press a button a few more times.
Another problem with the 2 classes is that if you think about it druids ARENT able to heal through alot of burst, while any other class can, probably much easily then the druid. Druids have...swiftment and NS to heal burst and those are on CDs...our regrowth takes 2 seconds and the common pvp spec for restos have a 3.5 sec HT...not very efficient in terms of quick recovery. Aff locks arent able to burst and most of the time they pray their DOTS kill you before them, which half the time doesnt happen (though you COULD just end up dying right after  :P)
Every other class has 1.5 heals, ways of making the target take less damage (priest), avoid more damage (shaman totem), and then completely avoid damage at all(pally). Yes this leaves you more vulnerable to silences and counter effects but you still can do these then heal to full or whatnot.
Other healers DO have a way to get away, except at a slower pace then a druid...pallies HOJ/then JOJ for increased effectiveness, shammies have frost shock and ghost wolf, then an earthbind, and priests...have a fear (i still think priests are OP and will be the next warrior babysitting class after resto's gets nerfed) but they have more ways then anyone to lower damage taken and a bubble to boot.
Though these are less effective then a cyclone/root/feral charge combo their still ways to get around!


Quote from: Vengeance on April 28, 2008, 07:34:16 AM
Looking at all the whines and complaints whenever there is an overpowered class/spec people will want it nerfed to the ground. Blizz doesnt usually bow down before the QQ but sometimes they tend to go overboard (See
What, like nerfing ADRH instead of mace spec?  >:(

QuoteAnother problem with the 2 classes is that if you think about it druids ARENT able to heal through alot of burst, while any other class can, probably much easily then the druid. Druids have...swiftment and NS to heal burst and those are on CDs...our regrowth takes 2 seconds and the common pvp spec for restos have a 3.5 sec HT...not very efficient in terms of quick recovery.
I just want to know why I can do 700 DPS for a minute and a half not counting the blind/sap that I did to regenerate my energy pool and stunlock for a second time... without getting a kill.  I stopped every non-instant cast spell and locked the druid out of the school for eight seconds (with a two-second silence to boot... literally) each time he tried.


I can't remember, what was ADRH like before the nerf?  I certainly remember using a lot more....but as far as nerfs go, I think that stuns of all kinds (anything that the pvp trinket removes) should be nerfed quite a bit.  Nothing is worse than not being able to do anything just because some lucky rogue got a CS on you and is well-geared enough to keep up a stun until you die.  And this is coming from a rogue, where 75% of our pvp utility is stuns.  I would much rather get a DPS increase than have so many stuns.


The problem with resto druids is that they have no true counter.  Their strength is that they can keep highly mobile with a wide array of instacast or short cast time HoTs.  Interrupts are virtually useless against them, so their natural enemy would be an offensive dispel class (priests or shamans).  The problem is, spamming purge or dispell on a druid keeps him healed just fine through lifebloom ticks.  If a druid puts up a couple lifeblooms and a regrowth/rejuv, dispelling him actually heals him faster than his hots would.  Add in nature's swiftness for a clutch heal to full NS, and swiftmend for another clutch heal, and they're damn hard to kill.  When you consider the DPS attacking them has low time on target due to them running bandit circles around pillars, they're neigh unkillable.  The only way to kill a druid is to have stuns AND offensive dispel on it.  Stuns + dispell will kill any healer though. 

Consider Nas.  When we're arenaing together she gets beaten by dispell even without stun.  Silences and Fears are highly effective against her.  Priests get demolished by dispells, I feel bad for healer priests when I roll up on them, purge inner fire, purge PWS, purge renew, purge POM, and beat the hell out of them.

Resto druids need to have a weakness.