Affliction spec status 3.3

Started by Grendeel, December 13, 2009, 02:37:06 PM

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Unknown :P

The issue seems to be that corruption is falling off prior to us being able to refresh it with haunt (unless we clip it).  From my experience this is very frustrating and a significant dps reduction.  With any kind of moderate haste stat and the eradication proc (not counting any raid haste buffs) our corruption duration seems to get down around 9ish secs, while haunt is on a 12 sec cd.   We have 3 options to counter this issue

1.  Just refresh corruption.  
2.  Throw in a instant cast drain soul briefly (no tick) to refresh it
3.  Clip haunt

All are dps penalties however and will more than likely drop below the destro specs in damage (maybe even demo ones)

There is over 20 pages in a thread about this

With the only pertinent post from a blue

[blizzard]Cleaning up all of the garbage in this thread so we can get some decent information while we try and figure out what is happening.

I don't know of a polite way to say this, but players who continue to junk up this thread with insults and nonsense will be banned. [/blizzard]

It seems they are aware of it but still trying to put their finger on it.    I suggest using other specs in the meantime,  unless you want to endure some significant frustration while raiding


Apparently they have settled on a solution....or almost.   It will be in the form of shadowbolt reapplying the corruption buff as well.  Possibly a Dec 14 or 15 hotfix

[blizzard]After discussing this issue, the solution we are leaning towards is to add Shadow Bolt to the list of spells that Everlasting Affliction allows to refresh Corruption. It's a fairly safe change (in terms of not breaking anything), more or less keeps Affliction using the same spells, but lets you invest in the Glyph of Quick Decay.

This is not a promise. Until you see an announcement that this change is going live, understand that we may actually end up going a different way. I did want to let you know about what we're thinking though.

I also wanted to thank everyone who contributed to this thread in a positive manner. It's almost unprecedented to see a thread go 26 pages and have 80 to 90% of the posts actually stick to the topic. While I'm not sure the thread needed to go quite this long, it's still a pretty nice feat for an Internet forum. I think these forums can only benefit from having more threads like this in the future. Hopefully they won't all require such harsh enforcement to keep in line.

UPDATE: We are going to hotfix this soon, hopefully Dec 14 or 15. The tooltip may not mention Shadow Bolt as soon as the change goes in, because tooltips are harder to hotfix. [/blizzard]