Quick Mob Marking Macro

Started by Shadowwolf, June 17, 2009, 05:15:13 PM

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For some tanks, its helpful in group to quickly mark a named mob for quick focus firing, etc. I use one on our raids to tag specifically named mobs so I dont have to search for them then hit the specific raid mark which takes too much time when the importance is dealing with them quickly.

Example macro I use for Dark Rune Sentinels on the Razorscale fight in Ulduar:
/tar Dark Rune Sentinel
/script SetRaidTarget("target",7)

This will clear any target you have currently, specifically target the named mob, and then set the icon you choose on it. ""target",7" is the "Cross" icon. You can change the number to change the icon symbol it places on the target. Here is the list of the numbers and what icon they represent.

  • 1 = Yellow 4-point Star
  • 2 = Orange Circle
  • 3 = Purple Diamond
  • 4 = Green Triangle
  • 5 = White Crescent Moon
  • 6 = Blue Square
  • 7 = Red "X" Cross
  • 8 = White Skull

The only drawback with this is that you need to know the exact name of the mob/target you are looking for or you might target something else like a player. You can easily look at the combat log or on wowhead to find the exacts in making this macro.

You can also add an ability to cast if you want to it say for example if you need to make sure you cast something immediately when it spawns, for tanks say a taunt or something.

here is an example of the same macro I use on the Mimiron fight to target, mark and cast roots on bombs that spawn during Phase 3:
/tar Bomb Bot
/script SetRaidTarget("target",8)
/cast Entangling Roots(Rank 8)

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I get the feeling this'll help a lot in my em...speed runs of heroics  :-\
Thanks a bunch!