Dear Blizzard...

Started by TheGeneral451, September 01, 2009, 02:24:09 PM

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I hope you all get herpes and then die a fiery death in front of all your loved ones!  I can't run the instances i want to run, i can't log on after a crappy days work to kill many many innocent creatures, I am paying you and I get grief in return.  I hate you.  But I need you.


Update: vent your frustrations here just like Ave and I


Dear Blizzard:

If you can't guarantee me 50/cents a day to play, then you need to reimburse me when you take your servers down for anymore than 8hrs in a day.

Ty, 4yr customer.
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" - Possum Lodge Motto
I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together.


Dear Blizzard:

You stole my cookies.

Also, I think you are responsible for all internet piracy.


fiere redfern

Dear Blizzard,

Please don't tease me by turning six servers back on and then not bringing up any others. Though there were many lols to be had because of the queue length, taking the servers down after 20 minutes of being up left me with a severe case of... well, we won't go there. I am glad that you're finally resolving the instance lock issue, but still. WTB play nao!

Please and thank you,




Dear Blizzard,

It is beyond irritating when just as i am about to loot the daily heroic item you decide to crash the instance servers.....

Next time you wish to do something like this again, just punch me in the face right before. So at least i can rub my poor face while i realize how robbed of my game time i am...


Dear Blizzard,
    Thank you for providing us with a new achievement to obtain.
Maintenance Day - will you get to play during the short interval that your server is up?
This achievement is listed for normal, heroic and the new legendary category.

Goz you came very close to getting this achievement - makes me proud to be able to call you a guild mate.  :pumpk10:


At Least i can play my newbie hunter on Bronzebeard Horde side.  Chimerical. If anyone is on there hit me up