Feral Druid Weapons

Started by Arcdelad, August 31, 2007, 09:04:46 AM

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Man are there a lot of good feral weapons out there these days....but before you drop 1k gold in a back alley in shatt on a [wowitem]Staff of Natural Fury[/wowitem], or grind CE rep for weeks to for the [wowitem]Earthwarden[/wowitem] if you only want to DPS and not tank, take a look at this site.

It boils down all feral weapons to a statistical number based on mulitple factors - +HIT, +AGI, +STR, +CRIT, +AP.....ive found it very useful in letting me know what my next target weapon is.



did you know that there arent any druid staves/maces in BT?  :'(


yeah...best raid end game staff is:

[wowitem]Pillar of Ferocity[/wowitem]

It has more AP than [wowitem]Merciless Gladiator's Maul[/wowitem], but doesnt have any +crit or +hit, making the maul actually a much better weapon...

however, the Pillar is by far the best tanking bear weapon in the game...


i dunno about the best tanking...im of the opinion that [wowitem]Wildfury Greatstaff[/wowitem] is if just for the dodge rating on it


yeah...thats a convincing point....


something to be said for 96 stamina though...the armor doesnt really matter at that point becuase you get capped at 75% mitigation with your armor...so..i guess its do you like that extra dodge, or the huge STA on the pillar...both of those staffs are majorly flawed though in terms of being a DPS weapon..