Twilight Guild Forum

World of Warcraft => Class Discussion => Shaman => Topic started by: Iliessa on December 05, 2008, 03:43:16 AM

Title: Shaman specific addons
Post by: Iliessa on December 05, 2008, 03:43:16 AM
Being as I hit level 70 one week before Lich King came out, I didn't really get a chance to optimize my UI for what I will be needing to see as a Shaman. My main concern is something to help me monitor the Flame Shock debuff. Right now I got a very small icon that slowly fades like an analog clock graphic, but I would prefer to have something that gave me a number instead. Any ideas? Maybe the warlocks and shadow priests have something that help them monitor things of this nature since they are constantly having to refresh DoTs as well.

Other than that, what addons do you guys use for your Shamans that you find particularly useful?
Title: Re: Shaman specific addons
Post by: Urmyboyblue on December 05, 2008, 04:34:11 AM
it all depends on what you wanna do with it, really about the only addon i use for my shammy in particular is Flototembar...puts all your totems in one handy location, frees up room in your action bars, and you can hide ones you dont want to make the thing bigger or smaller. I dont know of an addon that tracks your FS debuff, i have it timed out in my rotation asto where i need to put in my next flame shock so i dont really think about it.   that i recomend getting healbot if you plan on off healing much or plan on doing BG's, makes it easy to see whos around and who needs heals quick....that and it lets you see the whole raid instead on just 5 people.
Title: Re: Shaman specific addons
Post by: Nasanna on December 05, 2008, 05:09:29 AM
Quartz is a decent addon for tracking debuffs and debuffs.
It also gives you a fancy cast bar that shows you how lag is affecting your spellcasts and when you can start casting your next spell. Info about it  Here:

I also use Totemtimers. It gives you a bar that shows: how long and how many charges are left on your earth and watershield, and how long is left on your weapon imbue and reincarnate cooldown, along with how many ankhs you have, all in a neat little bar. It also gives you timers and cooldowns for your totems, but I prefer flototem bar for that.