Getting Addons to work with 3.0 Again

Started by Shadowwolf, October 19, 2008, 01:28:16 PM

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So I am hearing from a lot of people that they still have a lot of addons not working with 3.0. My only guess is that perhaps some things got corrupted with the patch and with some Vista users where the whole WoW directory got moved around.

Here are a few steps I'd like everyone to take who is currently having issues with different addons to try and fix them.

YOU MUST be completely closed out of WoW for these steps to work right. DO NOT try to do this with WoW open and running or you will create more problems for yourself to fix.

Step 1: Make a folder on your desktop or somewhere easy to access and copy the contents of your addon folder into it.


Step 2: Delete all the addons out of the WoW Addons folder with the exception of the Blizzard ones.

WARNING** - Be careful NOT to delete the addons that start with the name "Blizzard_" out of your addon folder with the rest of them. You need these for WoW to function properly.


You may have more or less than what you see in the above picture depending on if you use Windows or Mac for your computer.

Step 3: Make a backup of your WTF folder.

In the same way we made a backup of the Addons folder, we need to make a backup of the WTF folder. The reason for this is that we are going to remove this folder completely and start over from scratch. Doing this will erase all your UI settings, so having a backup to restore the settings of some addons will help keep you from having to redo all your settings for everything.


Simply "Copy" the entire folder, then "Paste" is somewhere easy to remember and see, same place you put the Addon backup folder would work best.

Step 4: Delete the WTF folder and restart WoW


Here's some information about the WTF folder; what it contains and more importantly, what it stands for:

WTF = Warcraft Text Files (don't let the myth fool you!)
Contains which holds just about all Video, Sound, and Interface settings
Contains an Account folder which holds user created macros, chat window set up, and some addon settings. These files are within server/character specific folders as well.

Deleting the WTF folder will not delete anything about your character. It strictly deals with options in the game.

It should be noted that we suggest deleting the Cache folder in addition to the WTF folder when experiencing issues post-patch. Updating your addons or moving the Interface folder to the desktop is also suggested.[/blizzard]


Simply start up WoW, log in to one of your characters and log off. If you want to adjust some of WoW's own settings again, Video, Mouse, etc, feel free. Once you have logged out of WoW again, proceed to the next step.

Step 5: Re-download the latest copy of the addons you want to use and install them into the WoW Addons folder.

Visit this site or whatever site you normally get your addon updates from and download all the addons you use again. MAKE SURE that they are 3.0 compatible before you download them again. Lots of addons still have not been updated, if you accidentally install these addons for WoW 3.0 and they dont work with it, you could cause yourself problems.

I would HIGHLY suggest you do one addon at a time. After copying it to the Addons folder, start WoW, log in and make sure it works. This will help you identify what addons might be causing you to have trouble or making other addons not work. This process might take a while, but its a lot more reliable to make sure you have everything working.

Once you finish downloading them, unzip them to the Addons folder to install them. Make sure its the WoW Addons folder located in one of the following locations:

Vista: C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns
Windows 2000,XP: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns
Mac: <Macintosh HD>/Applications/World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons/

If you need help with figuring out how to install addons, please read the instructions here:

There are also videos here:



Step 6: Restart WoW once you have installed all your addons.

At this point I would seriously suggest you redo all the addon settings over again manually.

The following steps are optional, if you are not a little computer saavy, I do not suggest you continue onward. A lot of the following involves some copying and moving of files in very specific locations within the WoW folders and if done wrong could result in WoW not functioning properly.

YOU MUST be completely logged out of WoW and it needs to be completely shut down for these steps to work.

*Optional* Step 7: Copying over your old saved variable settings from the backup WTF folder.

Each addon saves a copy of its settings file in your WTF folder. Typically the location of these settings files are in the "SavedVariables" folder under the folder that shares a name with your account name (the name you login to WoW with).

To restore the saved settings of these addons, go to the backup WTF folder under the SavedVariables folder and look for the .lua file that shares a name with the addon you want to restore the settings for. For example, your Bigwigs settings are saved in "Bigwigs.lua" as shown:


DO NOT worry about the "lua.bak" files. Those are created every time WoW starts up as a temporary save in case it crashes so you dont lose all your settings. We dont need those, just the ".lua" files.

Take the backup "lua" file and copy it to the same location in your new WTF folder WoW created which should be basically empty since we deleted it.

The location should be one of the following:

ACCOUNTNAME = The username you use to log on to WoW with

Vista: C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<ACCOUNTNAME>\SavedVariables
Windows 2000,XP: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<ACCOUNTNAME>\SavedVariables
Mac: <Macintosh HD>/Applications/World of Warcraft/WTF/Account/<ACCOUNTNAME>/SavedVariables

Some addons save settings based per character. Usually Bar modification addons do this like Bongos or Dominos. For this, the same steps apply as listed above, however you need to find the addon settings file in each character's folder and copy them to the same folder in the clean WTF folder.

You will find those folders usually in the following location:

Vista: C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<ACCOUNTNAME>\<SERVERNAME>\<CHARACTERNAME>\SavedVariables
Windows 2000,XP: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<ACCOUNTNAME>\<SERVERNAME>\<CHARACTERNAME>\SavedVariables
Mac: <Macintosh HD>/Applications/World of Warcraft/WTF/Account/<ACCOUNTNAME>/<SERVERNAME>/<CHARACTERNAME>/SavedVariables

SERVERNAME = Alexstrasza or other servers if you have chars on multiple servers
CHARACTERNAME = The character you have on that server
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Omg! Thank you Shadow! Now all my addons are working!  :pumpk7: