my mind at work

Started by kajunlady, January 08, 2008, 07:08:22 AM

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ok i just had a thought, i know scary right. :o
well as everyone has noticed im not the brightest caryon in the box ( and im ok with that and not really meant to be a bad thing)
when it comes to WoW. i have always kinda been a slow learner with my pally. and a few questions have entered my mind with a few things about the game and it might sound like i take this game a little to seriously and i kinda do.
Well since i havent really done a raid before and thats what kara and things like that are what happens if i dont pick up on it?
or if i always make everyone wipe?
and if i just plain suck at it!?!
i hate makeing people die for the fact i hate to die myself but i know there is no way around it
i guess im haveing the next step of WoW jetters or something like that
but i am kinda worried about that

" The Hardest Job is watching day by day your children grow up and wondering if you really did do all you could for them"

" I did it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said YOU said I couldn't"
"The futue is not something we enter,but something we create"


therer is no reason to worry about that kinda stuff. raiding is just like everything else, except with alot more people. you should be fine when the time comes along. it's really easy to get the hang of.

I remember one of my first times raiding in ubrs i wiped the entire raid when i dropped off a ledge and didnt release my pet first. my pet came into the room an alternate way and brought a swarm of mobs with him.



Quote... what happens if i dont pick up on it?
Like most things in life, if you don't pick up on it, you tend to avoid it.

Quote... or if i always make everyone wipe?
Yes, it sucks, but it too is part of the learning process.  Everyone has caused wipes before.  No exceptions.  If you keep at it, you'll learn and improve.

Quote... if i just plain suck at it!?!
Won't know until you've tried for a while.  :D
No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.


1st of all,  we have all caused a wipe. even the hardcore raiders wipe. its going to happen. The difference with this guild is that we won't kill you for it. If its a goofball mistake that wipes the raid we will most likely all have a good laugh.

2nd. Raiding does have a learning curve. Where to stand, what to do, how to move. We will always help with that. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Don't be afraid to ask for help. When someone is having a problem with an encounter the raid leader and class leaders will help you. One week you will be wiping hard on the 2nd boss the next you're clearing the instance. 

3rd. Raid leaders take your progress into consideration when making the lineup. You wont be expected to MH or MT a raid if you're not ready. You will be in with people who know their job and can help you too. Take your time, sign up when you can and most important.... HAVE FUN!


first caused wipe dry will make you write "I will not cause a wipe" on the chaulkboard 1,000 times like Bart Simpson...

2nd wipe Nix and Panzer will take turns saying "mud" and "kip" into a loudspeaker for 24 hours straight while your eyes are propped open Clockwork Orange style...

3rd wipe you pick dingleberries out of fiere's bear and have to delouse shadow's moonkin...

All wipes can be abolished with a small tithe to the Arc's Center for Early Retirement....

on a serious note - we all mess up...we all cause wipes on occasion, and wipiong is part of the game...the important thing to do when you mess up is to learn from the mistake...and there will be a lot of mistakes you me :P


hehe.. i know there will be wipes i just hate being the cause of it for example in either ub or sp i was 2-3 secs away from getting  fleecy healed and she died i cant stand doing that. and that i dont know how to fix.

" The Hardest Job is watching day by day your children grow up and wondering if you really did do all you could for them"

" I did it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said YOU said I couldn't"
"The futue is not something we enter,but something we create"


It's all about preparation, before i started to tank Kara I read a lot of tanking, gear, consumables and boss encounters, with the guide of our raid leaders and patience now I just wipe the raid a couple of times per run  :P


im still finding sites about the holy gear and i have found a few sets that i would love to get its just getting to 70 (half way there) and getting it and i have started to read up on kara and the bosses and what they do where healers as suppose to stand and its just allll sooo confusing im more of a see and do instead of a read and apply kinda person. i have always been like that,

" The Hardest Job is watching day by day your children grow up and wondering if you really did do all you could for them"

" I did it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said YOU said I couldn't"
"The futue is not something we enter,but something we create"


Like said above, everyone has/ will cause/ d wipes. I myself have made the raid wipe so many times for so many stupid reasons but no one has ever yelled at me or like punished me or anything, everyone's been always very nice, laughed and forgiven me. :)
Don't worry, you will pick it up quickly, specially that we have such nice raid leaders and nice people in the raid that they will answer all your questions as many as they are as much as you ask.


im not worried about the possibity of getting yelled at. if shadow hasnt done that to me yet for the wipes i have cause do to lack of healing on time ( im getting better at btw) for the little instances (meaning non raid ones) then i think ill be fine, she has calmly had to tell me what to do and i thank her for that other wise i would still be doing the same mistakes like it. i guess i just have the jitters about soon becomeing apart of a raid dungan type thing. which i am looking forward to and also not looking foward to it at the same time.. thanks for all the words of encouragement  i will try my best to learn quickly and actually really looking foward to playing with more of you..

" The Hardest Job is watching day by day your children grow up and wondering if you really did do all you could for them"

" I did it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said YOU said I couldn't"
"The futue is not something we enter,but something we create"


dont worry kaj,were in the same boat.maybe i try too hard sometimes,but ill get used to what i have to do.tonights my first kara run,so im nervous more the fact that i dont make alot of mistakes and im geared things for sure,ill give it 350% .and in the meantime ,ill learn in time,and so shall you..:)


As a healer, I know it's frustrating when people die. But sometimes you were healing someone else or moving out of the way of some AOE or something. Something that helps me a bit is remembering that it's your job to keep the tank alive, and healing all those rogues and hunters and mages and warlocks comes second. It might sound mean or harsh but you can only heal so much damage at a time! As long as you weren't making a sandwich or something instead of healing, people usually don't get mad

Also, just practicing healing in instances will help you a lot! You'll learn to not use up all of your mana right at the start if it's a long fight, or how to heal everyone up quickly after some AOE, or how to focus on just healing the tank and let everyone else bandage if the tank takes a lot of damage, or letting that warlock die when he keeps pulling aggro off of the tank. If you can heal heroics (not yet, but eventually you'll be able to), you'll be more than ready for Kara.

As for getting confused about watching the fights or reading about them and then actually trying to do them: It helps a lot once you're actually in the instance. For most fights, healers just have to stand in a certain spot and keep everyone healed. Usually the raid leader will quickly go over a boss fight when you get there. If you don't understand or are confused, whisper one of the other healers and they can probably give you some advice... I'm happy to give tips and explain stuff if I'm in your raid!


Quote from: sweetblood on January 08, 2008, 09:00:11 AM
dont worry kaj,were in the same boat.maybe i try too hard sometimes,but ill get used to what i have to do.tonights my first kara run,so im nervous more the fact that i dont make alot of mistakes and im geared things for sure,ill give it 350% .and in the meantime ,ill learn in time,and so shall you..:)

wish you the best of luck sweet and everyone else who goes also..

" The Hardest Job is watching day by day your children grow up and wondering if you really did do all you could for them"

" I did it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said YOU said I couldn't"
"The futue is not something we enter,but something we create"



I've wiped many raids. Some times I do it to just make Arc angry. Run a few level 70 instances and some heroics if you want to really prepare your self for 10 and 25 man raids. That honestly the next step if you don't want to skip over any content and if you've never played before a great place to warm up to whatever you'll be doing, tanking, healing, ret-ing


Quote from: Nixphire on January 08, 2008, 02:27:15 PM



-not laughing at ret pallies mind you, just the term.