Horde Mirror Guild

Started by Khanus, January 31, 2007, 12:41:27 PM

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I would join with my 61 druid Oakshand, but I moved him to Madoran with the free transfers as it was odd playing both sides on the same server. Now I can be devoted to the alliance here and when I play Oak, I can do my thing there as well.


Hello, ladies and gents,

         This is my first post since becoming a member of Twilight (at least I believe it's my first post). Anyway, I was thinking about creating an Alt, but I have a burning desire to play the Horde (after all my first toon in WoW was Horde). I hear the Twilight has a Horde Mirror guild. Is it on Alexstrasza? Which server is it on, and how do I join?



Howdy, good to see ya hanging around here.  There is, in fact a horde mirror guild, Twilight Red.  I think the funny Is are in it too...
It pretty much doesn't exist for any other reason but the name as far as I know.  Officers and Veterans of the mirror should be able to invite you when they're on their alts :)


So the guild is on Alexstrasza? What are some of the alt charcter names so that I can message them?


The guild is on Alex, but I don't think it's much used.  Someone with an alt in it will need to list the names, because I don't know any :P


Send a note to Twredbank with your horde character name. I log that on every day to update bank donations and distributions, if any, and will invite your character if I see you online.  Post the name of the char here and we can also just arrange a time as well.
No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.


my horde toons name is Salivathus, but i dunno if he can invite...

oh wait, still dont have game time.... 3 more days till i do..WOO HOO!!!


My Horde alt is a female troll warrior named, Nomzamo. I have not reached 20th level yey, but I should be there by this weekend. I'll send a letter to Twredbank; and I'll add Salivathus to my friends list. I hope to see some of the other Twilight folks "on the other side".