Gruul's Lair - Gruul the Dragonkiller

Started by Shadowwolf, October 19, 2007, 09:19:59 PM

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I tried something a bit different on tonight's run regarding my approach to handling shatters - it worked much better than my past attempts, partially due to misunderstanding some mechanics of Gruul's ground slam.

If you've Bigwigs installed (you should if not :P), there's a module showing if you're "too close" to raid members to help you estimate shatter damage. During most of the fight, I was much too concerned with this, and attempted to move far too much in effort to distance myself from other raid members - it's unnecessary. This unnecessary movement resulted in wasted time, and lower overall dps. Your distance from other raid members is only a factor during the window in which Gruul is gonna ground slam and damage people by shatter.

When the cooldown on Gruul's ground slam was approaching refresh, I would finish my cast and then run for one of a handful of "safe spots" along the wall, which seem to be immune from ground slam's knockback / thrown around the room problem. I had mistakenly believed in time's past that merely running towards a wall would give the same result - it rarely did.

The safe spots I mention are shown in the picture Air linked on page 2.

Quote from: Airplay on October 28, 2007, 08:33:40 PM
Found this at mmo champion:

Using this approach, I rarely took more than ~2k damage, which was easily taken care of by a bandaid. So, no burden on healers. :D