Sum Durids Iz 4 Pee Vee Pee Healz!

Started by fiere redfern, August 13, 2008, 10:01:12 AM

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fiere redfern

So, I'm looking at going resto for pvp-ness (and to get upgrades for my feral set... go figure), and got to playing with talents. I've come up with something along these lines as my still-be-able-to-hurt-when-it-counts-and-heal-gud-too spec. What do you all of the pvp-trees think?

Questions, comments, input, etc. would be much appreciated  :D



come on....ANYONE can hit a few hots and throw out a healing touch once in a takes true talent, skill, and dedication to mash mangle and shred!


fiere redfern

Aw, Arc! That hurts me, y'know. Right here.  ]:D

And it's for the betterment of my feral gear anyway, so what're you complaining for? XD


sure......HEALING for DAMAGE gear is like going to WAR for PEACE or ****ING for CHASTITY....


Quote from: Arcdelad on August 13, 2008, 11:21:22 AM
sure......HEALING for DAMAGE gear is like going to WAR for PEACE or ****ING for CHASTITY....
So... basically it's a great idea?


If you EVER use Healing Touch in a BG other then Natures Swiftness HT. You will die in a BG. I've silinced my share of druids casting it then shatter combo them to their death.


#8 - Restokin. Basically youve got decent damage and pretty good healing. Quag's eye works perfectly for this spec, btw - Probably the most common, easiest spec to play. Very low damage, but very capable healing, and feral charge for interrupt, escape move, or another root/cc. - A little variant of the above 8/11/42 spec. Gain Insect swarm and imp moonfire for a considerably better amount of damage, in exchange for tree form and -4% healing. Personally, I find this spec extremely capable for anything. The -4% healing isnt SO noticeable, while the -2% to hit and the the damage bonuses from IS and imp MF are.

The main problem with the spec you have there is 2/3 Control of Nature, and no Subtlety. 100% resistance to pushback is HUGE. Subt. is also nice, for dispels, mainly. If your HOTs get dispelled, your not healing. Living Spirit is nice, but not nice enough for arenas alone. Pvp gear holds no spirit, at all, unless you gem for it. The mana regen from spirit alone isnt going to help in arenas, at all. Your going to have to mainly rely on either travel form and running away behind a pillar, then use Star's Tear's+shadowmeld, or innervate, which regains not-so-much mana, but VERY useful in arenas, assuming it doesnt get dispelled (subtlety).