Sum durids is 4 fite!

Started by fiere redfern, October 14, 2008, 10:44:38 AM

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fiere redfern

I was playing around with feral talents and wanted to see what y'all think. At 70 for tanking I have:
There are a couple talents in that build that could probably shift around; the decreased fear duration and damage reduction during stuns would be a nice thing to have.

For tanking at 80 I'm looking at:
I went back and picked up some of the talents I'd skipped over at 70, and maxed out the ones I was forced to leave unfinished. I don't know how good Infected Wounds would be for boss tanking, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

Here's what I'm looking at for DPS at 70:
I kind of like the +2% crit strike chance given by Master Shapeshifter, but those points could also go into Rend and Tear without too much trouble.

As for 80:
I think I'd like to keep Master Shapeshifter, and add points to the more DPS-related talents.

Questions? Comments? "Fie, you're an idiot"'s?


I think for cat form dps you go and grab OOC...for bear form OOC isnt as vital (IMO) since rage shouldnt be a big issue anymore since a) we can get rage from dodges now with talents (thats a LOT of rage), and b) swipe is a rage builder and now hits more targets...

im not going to do a cat spec, but my spec will be:


this should give you as much tanking OOMPH as you can get at only level 70, PLUS give you enough damage talents to where you wont see a HUGE dps decrease in cat form miss out on FB damage increaser, but IMO just use rip as always...also the poison / slow talent wont work on bosses most likely and to me is more of a solo / pvp talent...that shouldnt matter too much....

when i hit 80 the other talents are used to get back to OOC and the exta 10% damage in resto tier 2...


I read some place that the 30% aoe dmg reduced with predatory instincts will only work in cat form so I'm just taking it for the 10% more dmg, not sure if it's worth it though. I'm not gonna take ooc till 80 either and this is the tanking build i came up with last night...
I took the 10 expertise talent too since i've seen myself miss a lot lately in bear form...


since last night was a disaster, i logged in this morning, respecced to the talent spec i listed above and ran some quick cat form tests...

my attack power in cat form WENT UP over pre-patch...and my base mangle attack even without using a bleed first did MORE DAMAGE then it did pre-patch...using rake first, then mangle my damage went up even further...the loss in the 10% damage in resto tier 2 were used to having is more then compensated for in new talents...that means we have a nice extra 10% damage ABOVE our new and improved damage waiting for us come WOTLK...

summary: the death of the multifunction feral druid is can still do an uber tanking build and actually come out BETTER in terms of cat form dps then you were pre-patch...if blizzards goal was to make us pick and limit the other spec, they failed miserably...

again, though, my build misses out on some great pvp functionality (infected wounds, longer stuns, reduced stun damage, etc), but in terms of pure PVE ability this build lets you be a more efficient tank while NOT LOSING any of your dps ability in cat form fomr pre-patch...

EDIT: cat form shadowstep (feral charge) is the lamest looking ability literally...jump...and a slow feeling jump at your enemy, then magically get behind them somehow....its really weird lol....being a black shadow cat with red eyes though with berserk is kind of neat =)