Only in America

Started by Arcdelad, April 09, 2009, 10:36:39 AM

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..can we take a perfectly healthy snack (fruit) and COMPLETELY encapsulate it in something UNHEALTHY (chocolate)...

...but in related news, god damn are these chocolate covered strawberies and banans f***ing good!!! hooray for free office food!


Consider yourself lucky... I have 2 year old Nutri-Grain Bars  :queasy:


Chocolate was originally farmed by the Mesoamericasn for thousands of years before the gringos Europians came over and said, "wow this stuff would rock with sugar in it."
So your statement is rhetoric


since we live in the year 2009 and not the year 1350, the unspoken assumption is its chocolate in its current form...but ill be more careful around your anochranistic self nixie poo =)


Here, this will make you feel better.

Watchmen Science!

Space science!

Couldn't embed them. They have a wierd flash/mp4 encoding method.