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World of Warcraft => Class Discussion => Rogue => Topic started by: usonian on December 13, 2006, 09:09:47 AM

Title: Macros
Post by: usonian on December 13, 2006, 09:09:47 AM
So I decided to play around with macros on my little rogue after reading about the revamped macro system.  I have little experience playing rogues (I think I have a lvl 26 on a pvp server and this new one I started is only 13) so the following opinions may have little bearing or relevance at higher levels.  I liked the idea of using swords for their hitting power and still being able to Backstab (Ambush later) when I wanted.  I needed a macro to switch to a dagger when in stealth, backstab, then switch back to my sword.  I got a macro off of WoWwiki that kept throwing up an error so I tweaked it and got it to work.  Here is what I have so far:

-The Macro

/equipslot [stealth] 16 Uber Dagger
/cast [stealth,equipped:Dagger] Backstab

This may be a bit sloppy, but it works.  I recommend reading Neuro's macro guide on the WoW forums to learn about the new system (it's really quite interesting) but here is the breakdown of what this does.  The first line equips your preffered dagger (replace "Uber Dagger" with your dagger's name) into your main hand slot (the 16 designates that slot) under the condition that you are stealthed (which you should be) on the first button press.  The second line checks that you are in stealth still and that you have a dagger equipped then casts Backstab (you can replace this with Ambush) on the second button push.

-The Setup

1) I made the macro using the same backstab icon and put it into Slot 2 of the stealth action bar.  It's just an easy reach for me at 2, you can put it wherever you want.

2) Then I put the icon for my main hand sword in the bottom of the right action bar (again, wherever you prefer) and mapped the "E" key to it.  This puts it right where my index finger lands when my middle finger is on the backstab macro (hehehe).  NOTE: you'll lose strafe right if you do this.

-The Execution

1) Approach clueless mob.
2) Click into stealth.
3) Hit the macro once (2 key).  This switches to your dagger.
4) Get within range.
5) Hit the macro again (2 key). This executes the Backstab.
6) Hit the "E" key.  This switches back to your sword.
7) Kill.

NOTE: there is a one second cooldown on sinister strike (and other attacks) after you switch weapons but I've found if you backstab and run through the mob, by the time you turn around to attack SS is just about up and it's not a problem.

It may seem like a long process but considering finger placement on the proper buttons, you can execute this sequence very quickly.  The one thing I've learned about playing rogues is that you must finesse and time your way through fights to survive so this should be fairly simple to do.  I'll continue to post more about what I learn with rogue macros here for you all to try out so if anyone more talented at coding has input, please feel free to add.
Title: Re: Macros
Post by: un4 on December 13, 2006, 06:38:19 PM
Eh.  I use backstab in combat pretty much constantly (mutilate now) so I wouldn't swap.

The only macro I ever wrote was to backstab and say "Surprise!"  ]:D
Title: Re: Macros
Post by: Khanus on December 13, 2006, 08:52:32 PM
couldnt you just add E to the macro so you just hit the button three times and it auto switches back to your sword. This would have worked in the old system, i'll try it and let y'all know.
Title: Re: Macros
Post by: Khanus on December 13, 2006, 09:52:44 PM
KK I did some experimentation tonight with the new macro system

/cast [nostance] Stealth
/equipslot [] 16 dagger
/cast [equipped:Dagger] Ambush
/equipslot [] 16 sword

Just a tweaked version of you macro Uso...This macro will put you into stealth, but not take you out of it. After going into stealth it will auto put the dagger in the main hand. Then when you're into position hit the button once more, and then it will automatically swap the sword in the main hand (so you dont have to bind any keys it will do it for you). Pretty simple, only gripe i have about it is when you first hit the button it will say "Must have a dagger in the main hand" kinda annoying, but i played with this for a bit and it works nice sans the message.

Just to sum up how it works again:
Hit the macro button and it will put you into stealth, and equip dagger in MH.
When in position hit the button again, after the Ambush/Backstab it will auto switch to your sword
Then it is business as usual...

Remember to replace "dagger" and "sword" with the name of your weapons.

I actually perfer this simple macro to swap my weapons, when i'm sneaking up on somthing i'll use the macro above, but this macro can come in handy to swap weapons mid fight to do a BS.

/equipslot [] 16 dagger
/equipslot [] 16 sword
Title: Re: Macros
Post by: usonian on December 14, 2006, 06:59:02 AM
Very nice Khanus, I'll have to try this out tonight.  The only thing I don't like about having it all done with one button is that you have to take up space in the action bar to get into stealth.  I guess I can just map it to E like I did the other one and see how that feels.

Is /stopcasting necessary to hold the macro until the next button push?
Title: Re: Macros
Post by: Khanus on December 14, 2006, 08:59:43 PM
/stopcasting isnt necessary, i was fooling around with trying to not get it to try to ambush right away to remove the dagger message. If you want you can omit it, but it does no harm.