Useful Addon for Casters

Started by Nasanna, November 08, 2007, 02:33:24 PM

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Here's a neat addon I like to use on my mage and shaman:

Dr. Damage
Where to download it:
Read more about it at:

I like this addon a lot. It estimates your average spell damage or healing for all of your spells including your spell damage/healing from gear, current buffs, and where you spent your talent points and shows this number on the spells on your action bar. It also can show you spell hit, crit chance, average crit damage, and damage per mana you get on each spell and estimates how many of that spell you can cast until you run out of mana. This also works for healing spells. Another part of it estimates how much more damage you will do with 1% more crit, hit, or 10 more spell damage. It even includes buffs/debuffs on your target. For example, if whoever I'm healing is afflicted by mortal strike, the number on my hotbar actually changes to reflect this when I target that person!

This addon is awesome for downranking heals since you'll be able to figure out approximately how much lower ranks of the same spell will heal for too.