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World of Warcraft => Guides and Walkthroughs => Burning Crusade => Topic started by: LastDyingBreath on October 22, 2007, 01:49:29 AM

Title: Kara - Netherspite
Post by: LastDyingBreath on October 22, 2007, 01:49:29 AM
Righto.  Now that we've finally curbstomped Tardspite, It's time to post the strategy that got the kill.  Post your tips in this thread and I'll edit 'em in to the guide.

Netherspite - optional boss

Netherspite is the magic addicted demon/dragon accessable after Curator dies.  I highly reccomend killing the Shade of Aran first, so porting to the Guardian's Library becomes available.  This fight is a wipefest until you get it figured out and the run back from the side door is pure hell.

This fight is nearly 100% an execution fight, not really a gear check at all.  Two tanks are required for this fight, although due to the properties of the tanking beam one of the two can be an offspec tanker (fury war, ret pally, etc).

Netherspite patrols the circle in the middle of the observatory.  The raid can comfortably enter the room and spread out along the back wall a little.  The whole raid must be in the room when the boss is engaged or they will be locked out of the door.

When Netherspite is engaged, he is briefly a tank and spank.  Your main tank should pick up aggro and wait.  The portal blockers (see below) need to prepare to hustle into their positions.  Standing very close to the dragon is reccomended for portal blockers.  The rest of the raid should spread out for dps.

Soon after he is engaged, Netherspite enters Phase One - Portal Phase.
He needs his magical nether fix and opens three portals.  Three beams of energy stream into him, granting him enormous healing, double damage, and damage reduction ticking up to 100%.  He is unbeatable in this state, but fortunately we can prevent that from happening by simply standing in the way, blocking the energy from hitting him.  The three portals (and associated beams) are:

Red Portal - Perserverance (Tank Beam)
This beam is what your tanks should be standing in.  It gives you unbreakable aggro on Netherspite - he won't even begin to consider attacking anybody else.  It increases your defense by 5 per tick, and reduces your damage taken by 1% per tick.  On the first tick, it gives you +31,000 health, but subsequent ticks subtract 1,000 hp from your pool.  If allowed to hit netherspite, it decreases his damage taken by 1% per tick, eventually rendering him immune to damage.  This is a Very Bad Thing.
Green Portal - Serenety (Healer Beam)
Despite the name, healers should not be the ones blocking this portal.  The green beam increases your healing done by 5% per tick, reduces your spell or ability cost by 1% per tick, but reduces your maximum mana by 200 per tick.  The tricky thing about this portal is that when it reduces your maximum mana, it refreshes your mana pool up to the new maximum - IE if you have 9000 mana max, down to 2000 from healing, you could take the green beam for one tick and have 8800 mana, 8800 mana max.  If allowed to hit Netherspite, the green beam will heal him for a rediculous amount per tick.  Green is the most important beam to block, by far.
Blue Portal - Dominace(DPS Beam)
In the blue beam, your damage is increased by 5% per tick, your healing recieved is reduced by 1% per tick, and your damage recieved from spells is increased 8% per tick.  DPSers should be blocking the blue beam, and will require the most heals out of anybody in the raid.  If the beam is allowed to hit netherspite, his spell damage increases 1% per tick.

One property of all the beams is nether exhaustion.  If you allow the buff that a beam has put on you to expire, you gain a debuff called "nether exhaustion" that prevents you from blocking that beam until it wears off (two minutes?).  Nether exhaustion is specific to the color of the beam - IE a player who blocked the green beam can get nether exhaustion (serenity) and still be able to block the blue or red beams.

All these beams must be manipulated to win the fight.  This is the key to winning the encounter, and why it is nearly 100% execution.  The negative aspects of the beam buffs prevent one person from just standing in the beam the entire time, and nether exhaustion prevents the same person from blocking the same beam each phase.  More on this later. 

During the portal phase, Netherspite has a shadow damage aura that ticks for a small amount of damage.

After about a minute in the portal phase, Netherspite gets a bad magic itch and goes into Phase Two - Banish Phase.

In the Banish Phase, Netherspite banishes himself (bet you didn't see that coming!).  Despite being banished, he can still be hit.  When he banishes, the raid needs to head to the perimeter of the room.  Netherspite will charge up his Nether Breath and shoot it at people who are too close.  If you are out of range of his breath, he will still target you, think about it for a second, then randomly target somebody else.  If everybody is out of range, you will take no damage from this phase.  During this phase, it is CRITICAL that the tanks stay on netherspite and build rage.  As soon as the banish phase ends, he goes back to the portal phase and needs to be tanked until he summons the portals.  A good tank should easily survive multiple nether breaths, and since he doesn't hit very hard tank death should not be a problem.  If your tank does not pick him up (netherspite resets aggro when coming out of banish), he will wander through your raid one shotting clothies.

As I said earlier, the key to this fight is portal management.  The responsibility is really on the tanks' shoulders, they make or break this fight.  The two tanks will alternate between the green and the red beams, and four dps classes need to alternate in the blue beam.  The rotation goes like this:

Portal Phase One
- Red beam:  Tank One
- Green beam: Tank Two
- Blue beam:  DPS One and Two.

Tank one blocks the red beam, taking aggro from netherspite.  Tank one should attempt to delay the stacks on himself by moving in and out of the beam.  A good rule of thumb is five ticks in, five ticks out.  This will slowly build your buff up, while limiting how much gets onto netherspite.  The red beam buff will tick off of you in 20 seconds, but ticks off of netherspite in about three.  Five in/Five out means he will vary between 1% to 5% less damage taken, which is not a big deal.  If you don't delay the buff stacking on yourself, you will break even on health after 31 ticks, and then lose 1k max health per tick until you get one shotted.  I found that 5 in/5 out got me through the phase with less than 30 buff stacks.

Tank two blocks the green beam for the entire phase, nothing special here.  A tank doesn't care if its mana gets drained, unless you're a paladin.  With felani in the raid, I alternated with Rahaena on green portal duty.  Druids in the green portal WILL lose mana in feral forms, so get in bear and stay in bear.  This is a fight you cannot shift on.

DPS one stays in the blue beam until he recieves 25 ticks of the buff.  AT this point the shadow aura is going to really start to hurt and DPS one steps out of the blue beam.  DPS Two, who was standing next to the beam, subs in for the rest of the phase.

-banish - Tanks one and two should stay on the dragon, others run away.

Portal Phase Two:

Tank one has Nether Exhaustion (red), so Tank Two steps into the red beam and rotates 5 in/5 out as described above.

Tank One stands in the green portal for the entire phase.

DPS One and Two both have Nether Exhaustion (blue), so DPS Three and Four take the beam as described above.

Rinse those rotations and repeat for the whole fight.

Portal Placement, or Where Do I Tank this Stupid Dragon

Netherspite should be tanked near the center of the room.  The portals always open around him, evenly spaced (120 degrees lol).  The same color portals will not always spawn in the same place, although apparantly there is a pattern to that.  More info requested.

During the entire fight, Netherspite will spawn void zones that do heavy damage.  Thse look like patches of black sparkle crap on the ground, and must be moved out of.  he doesn't spawn too many of these, just pay attention and they can be disregarded.

Please note that the dragon should remain in one spot for the whole fight.  Movement is impossible during the banish phase, and disasterous during the portal phase - moving the dragon usually results in the green beam hitting him for a few ticks and healing the snot out of him.  The only time netherspite should be moved is if a void zone spawns under the red beam tank, who should then walk backwards to safety.

As if all this wasn't bad enough, you have 9 minutes from engage time until he enrages and owns you.  I got hit for 40k damage.  GG.

That's all I can think of right now, please post comments and additional information in this thread so I can edit it in.

- Panzerflak
Title: Re: Kara - Netherspite
Post by: Shadowwolf on October 22, 2007, 02:43:46 AM
From a healer perspective, need to add a few notes.

Everyone in the raid needs to stay above 5000 hp. If people drop below that number and manage to get hit with Netherbreath during the banish phase they die. Dont worry about keeping everyone topped off, its neigh impossible to do and unnecessary. The only people who need to be topped off at max hp is anyone in the Blue beam currently and the MT/OT before the red beam spawns. The person blocking the blue beam will take some heavy damage and will almost surely require a healer primarily dedicated to them.

To minimize people being out of range for heals, we broke up the 3 healers to take a portal area each. This made it possible for everyone to be in range of heals as during the portal phase, the entire raid takes about 1k a tick of shadow damage. If you only have 2 healers, its possible for one to stand right behind the dragon (almost underneath) and not be in the beam paths. This spot seemed to work well in putting almost the whole raid in heal range. You wont get any tail swipe type of attack nor will you get hit by him, just have to watch out for the Void Zones and run away quickly when he banishes.

For the raid to make it easy on healers, bandaging during the banish phase is a mana saver. Its possible to do as theres no AOE shadow dmg during banish.

For combating the AOE shadow damage to the raid, the best bet is HoT stacks. I kept renew on everyone in the raid and primarily thats all I kept casting with an occasional Flash Heal or Greater Heal on anyone who fell below 50% hp. If you have solid HoT's, you can nullify the damage easily. My renew ticks for ~600, if you have 2 priests that can do the same thats 1200 a tick and it ends up healing more than people should be taking in shadow dmg a tick. Just have to remember to keep it refreshed on people when it ends.

Also, his netherbreath only affects 3 people at a time, but he can cast it almost instantly after another, so if people get hit, heal them up ASAP, dont waste time as 2 breaths in a row can mean death.
Title: Re: Kara - Netherspite
Post by: Shadowwolf on October 22, 2007, 03:17:05 AM
At fight start, the portal colors in the 3 spawn points is the same at each fight start as show below:


During the fight, the colored portals have limits to where they can "randomly" spawn at. The Red portal can spawn at any of the 3 spots. The Blue portal can spawn directly across from the door and to the right side of the room if you are facing the telescope. The Green portal can spawn on the left of right side of the room if facing the telescope.


It is important to keep Netherspite smack center of the room for easy portal blocking. If he is too far off to one side it becomes harder to block the portal hes closest to and also farther for people to run away during banish phase.
Title: Re: Kara - Netherspite
Post by: LastDyingBreath on October 23, 2007, 02:54:28 AM
Also everybody bring your Archmage Vargoth.  It worked for us, it will work for you!
Title: Re: Kara - Netherspite
Post by: Nasanna on October 23, 2007, 03:02:36 PM
great summary panzer! very thorough and accurate description

shadow, the pictures help a ton- they were a lot better than "the blue beam can spawn in the NE corner of the room," (or wherever it actually spawns) and makes it much easier to visualize the fight.

A few tips:
-The portal phase lasts about 60 seconds and the banish phase lasts about 30 seconds
-A healer can take over the blue beam if one of the people rotating on it dies, as long as they make sure to keep themselves topped off.
-The shadow aura does about 1200 shadow damage every 5 seconds (according to wowhead)
-Pets are immune to the aura (also according to wowhead)
-Netherbreath is a forward cone attack that has a larger radius when aimed at people who are further away and a smaller radius if you are closer - stay spread out during banish phase
-Warlocks in the blue portal can drain life and siphon life and will need very little healing. Shadow priests also do well by using VE
-The void zones look like the void zones from the voidwalker boss of Arcatraz (Zereketh  the Unbound) or the first boss of Shattered Halls (Grand Warlock Nethekurse)- as usual, stay out of em

Healing notes
-Shamans and paladins don't have HoTs, so stick them on healing whoever's in the blue beam. I usually pop my trinkets and drop a healing stream totem near whatever portal I'm by, then just try to keep whoever's in the blue beam alive and top off people within range.
-Totems are not affected by the AOE or the void zones
-The shadow dmg aura didn't seem to trigger earthshield but it does trigger watershield

:Baby_ghost:  :One_eye_ghost:
Title: Re: Kara - Netherspite
Post by: Shadowwolf on November 29, 2007, 09:12:53 AM
I got unlazy and finally edited the videos I happened to capture on this fight.

Its only the last 30% but the whole fight is basically the same thing, block portals, run to sides, run back, keep people healed =P
Title: Re: Kara - Netherspite
Post by: capnpop on December 09, 2007, 12:11:27 AM
Warlocks with enough hps can actually take the entire blue beam from stack 1 to 40 without a problem if they can keep up the drain life spam.  OOM + Tap + AoE = dead lock though.  At the end of the stacks I think one AoE tick did about 5k dmg to me give or take a bit...prolly more, i wasn't paying attention really...  As long as healers realize that your hps are gonna be dropping quick then hopping back up there shouldn't be a problem.  Just don't go OOM and there isn't a problem :P