Magtheridon's Lair - Magtheridon

Started by Shadowwolf, January 24, 2008, 05:30:03 AM

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Hellfire Channelers
Vulnerable to Mind-numbing Poison and Curse of Tongues
  • Health: 240,000
  • Shadow Volley: 1 sec interruptible cast, 30 yard AoE, up to 2k on cloth
  • Fear: Single target fear, 40 yard range
  • Dark Mending: 2 sec interruptible cast, heals themself or another Hellfire Channeler within 60 yards for up to 32k.
  • Summon Abyssal: Summon Infernal (despawns after one minute)
  • Soul Transfer: When one Channeller dies, all surviving Channellers gain this stacking buff, increasing size by 20% and damage and casting speed by 30% (with four buffs, the last Channeler has 220% cast speed)

    Burning Abyssals
    May be frost nova'd, banished, feared, stunned, or trapped
    • Deal 2625 to 3375 with a 10-yard range to the player on which it lands.
    • Cast Fire Blast, which does 3300 damage in a 20-yard range
    • At most 10 Abyssals can be up at the same time

    • Health: 4,750,000
    • Cleave: 8k or more on tanks, deals damage in a frontal arc
    • Conflagration: small fire AoE on random floor patches
    • Quake: 50 sec CD, first cast after 40 sec. A knockback that hits every player every second for 7 seconds, interrupts spells
    • Blast Nova: 60 sec CD, about 2,500 damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds to every player in the lair
    • Enrage: 22 minutes after the start of the fight, Magtheridon enrages and wipes the raid

    Suggested Strategy:

    Phase 1

    Initially, five Hellfire Channelers are distributed around the room, each next to a Manticron Cube. All mobs in the room have no aggro range, the fight is started by any harmful action. The raid should be able to kill at least three Channelers before Magtheridon becomes active after two minutes.

    It's best to have one tank for each Channeller so that they can be tanked in their places and their shadow volleys do not overlap. All Channeler casting should be interrupted as much as possible, the most dangerous being Dark Mending. Each tank should have a personal healer assigned, remaining healers should be put on raid healing (and help out on tanks if needed). After the first adds are dead, free healers should concentrate on the later tanks because they take more damage.

    The Infernals should be banished and/or kited. Warlocks and Hunters should do this job - early on they're free to DPS, but when Infernals start to appear they must immediately concentrate on them.

    Position the damage dealers at the entrance. The killorder is: 1 > 5 > 2 > 3 > 4. Have the tanks at cube 5 and 2 move their channeler to the entrance when it's time to kill their respective target. When the time has come to kill the channelers at cube 3 and 4 it's safer to move the raid to them.


    Phase 2

    When Magtheridon breaks his banish, he starts to build threat only when he actually targets someone. Use agro building moves or misdirection not too early - let him target someone first.

    Besides killing any remaining Channeler(s), the raid has to avoid Blast Nova by clicking on the cubes (see below). This is complicated by Quake, and in Phase 3 by Collapse.

    Phase 3

    At 30% Magtheridon shatters the walls of his lair, causing the roof to crash down. This deals 5250-6750 physical damage plus a 2 sec stun to every raid member. It's very bad if the start of phase 3 conincides with a Blast Nova - the damage dealers should slow down if this might happen. For the remainder of the fight, the ceiling randomly caves in on players, this is called Collapse. Collapses kill everybody in an 8 yard radius of the spot of impact. There is a cave-in animation shortly preceding it so players are able to safely move out of the way.

    The Manticron Cubes

    Every 60 seconds Magtheridon starts to cast Blast Nova. About all wipes at Magtheridon happen because of an uninterrupted Blast Nova. In order to stop it, all five Manticron cubes must simultaneously be clicked (channeled) by players. Because of the Mind Exhaustion debuff, each cube should have two designated clickers taking turns, and at least one backup if one of the primary clickers is disabled.

    During both, Phases 2 and 3, Quake makes clicking the cubes more difficult. Since the cooldowns of Quake and Blast Nova are slightly different (50 and 60 sec), after three or four cycles, they happen at the same time (fortunately Blast Wave cancels any active Quake), and then move out of sync again. It is important to know that each cube has a "safe spot". Standing up against the wall, directly behind the cube when facing into the middle of the room grants immunity to the knock-back from Earthquake. People standing there simply bounce in place.

    It's very desirable to keep channeling the cubes as long as possible. Unfortunately, players doing so take 800 damage per tick, which forces them to release sooner or later. Synchronize the release so that nobody takes unnecessary damage. If all 5 cubes are active at the same time, Magtheridons Blast Nova is interrupted, and while the five cubes all stay active, he takes 300% damage. When the channel breaks, the player receives the 90 sec Mind Exhaustion debuff.
    Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
    "A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


    Cube clicking isn't to bad once we got the hang of it.  I found that the knockback was the most annoying part of it.

    Big wigs is a huge help here.  At around 10 seconds left until blast wave was supposed to hit.  I would make my way to the cube and wait against the wall.  This helps prevents being bothered by the knockback that happens every 50 seconds.  After the knockback hits I would than stand by the cube and wait for Mag to cast Blast wave.  During the 2 second cast I would begin casting the cube beam, if everyone gets it, it would disrupt the casting of blast wave.  Once interrupted, I would move back into position and dps some more.  I found that it wasn't any need to continue channeling if blast wave had been interrupted.  Doing so I found that the damage done to me wasn't to bad.
    "Don't be a Dick." - Wil Wheaton
    "There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves." - Will Rogers


    For a melee class. handling the cubes is a death sentence for damage production...for me to hit the cube then run and do some quick melee on mag, then HOPE i didnt get knocked into a cleave, then run back and find the cube IN TIME is the perfect storm for something going wrong...

    having said that, having 20k health, the cube damage was nothing on me and i was never in any threat of dying...

    one tip for after 30% - you can click on your cube off the platform from its sides VERY has an odd shaped "hit box" so defintiely exploit it...


    additionally, i think tanks (the extra ones) are better suited for the cubes out of range for some/most people.  Simply, the damage output from the tank would be nice, but marginal compared to the utility of a durable, dedicated cube clicker is better.  Unless that tank is keeping thunderclap up or some other great debuff like that, i think that cube clicking is #1 on the priority list. 


    When I know the fight better I could probably do this, though I am specced for Improved TC and Demo Shout. My stats look pretty bad as it is - 60 seconds of tanking followed by 10 minutes of lolprotdps. But at least I shout a lot.  :P


    "Impossible odds, mentally unbalanced foes, cramped quarters for a good punch-up... and people say Iest has no night life."
    -- Cerebus

    "I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but by God, they frighten me."
    -- The Duke of Wellington


    It will be easier once the fight becomes more second nature to people. My reasons for restricting box clicking to specific people last night was due to it being a first time visit for pretty much all of us. Our last venture into there never got us past the Locks being down, so I wanted to make sure we had people focused on specific jobs and with stable connections on the boxes to make sure we optimized success. Most of our troubles last night were due a lot to connection instabilities as much as if not more than all of us being new to the encounter.

    The goal last night was to learn it, experience it, and overcome it. We did all that excellently, now we can go back and perfect it. =)
    Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
    "A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess