Twilight Guild Forum

World of Warcraft => Warcraft Discussion => Topic started by: Arcdelad on December 06, 2006, 08:21:10 AM

Title: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Arcdelad on December 06, 2006, 08:21:10 AM
hey guys....due to the server being up and running last night, we ran a 10 man UBRS raid...while in the past it has been relatively easy since we have a seasoned group of people who are used to AQ, ZG, MC and the like....BUT, last night it was WAAAAAAAAAAAY felt like we took a wrong turn and went into BRD instead of UBRS...orcs were literally dropping in less than 2 seconds, and on more than once occasion we accidentally pulled extra groups, and didnt even come close to losing much health, whereas previously it would be wipe or near wipe (the first area up the stairs with the four rooms with the summoners...we pulled two rooms at once accidentally and didnt break a sweat)...

AND....rend dropped both of his the same time...we agreed to roll on those as a pair to preserve the set bonuses (grats thane)....

BUT...all of this makes me wonder about some things maybe you guys could answer....are we just doing SO much more stuff now that we are THAT much better? did we get stuck on the "Easy" difficulty for that instance? did they nerf instances? I guess the ZG run is going to really tell the tale...
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Genoism on December 06, 2006, 09:56:46 AM
heh ya i saw this coming. its going to be interesting on our next raid.
I'm afraid with my hunter however, i was able to blow my entire mana bar on spells in a few seconds!
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: dharq on December 06, 2006, 10:22:50 AM
I think it's a combination of all of the above Arc...

1) Everyone in the guild is becoming much better as a player.
2) Every class does what they do better than before (except rogues..  >:()
3) Instances didn't have difficulties scaled up to match the new effectiveness of classes...
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: voctovian on December 06, 2006, 10:46:26 AM
Well, I am not too sure about hunters, but if there DPS scaled as much as my pallies healing, it was no wonder.  (We had 4 hunters in the group)

With my new build, I am healing about 10-15% more per cast (without downranking).  This would be equivalent to an additional +220 healing gear with my old build.  Granted, I have lost Blessing of Kings (sorry Goss and Uso), but even the nerf for downranking wasnt that bad (now ~400 per cast instead of 500).  The burst healing is amazing too... I can now heal >10000 in 6.5 seconds. 

All I can say is wow... when Drakk went down, everyone was at full health... what a difference.  To my knowledge, no Fire prot pots either.  Of course, I got one shotted by the darned Blackhand Assassins a couple of times.. /grumble

Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Arcdelad on December 06, 2006, 12:31:56 PM
hahaha...that one stealthed blackhand just came out of nowhere and targeted you...its like TB mindcontrolled him or something :P

i did notice that Voc was pulling a lot more aggro (due to his crazy high heals)...we need to make sure we havea  hunter or someone watchiung over him next time to be his bodyguard (why would whitney houston ever act?!?!)

your probably right darq...i think we should play around with the difficulty settings...i know as raid leader i could click on my portrait and it gave me the option to select the difficulty, but shadow said it ddnt work so i didnt mess with it...

the whole meeting stone portiong was really nice.....gren who?!?!?!? :P (just kidding gren...we love ya even if we dont need your ports anymore :P)
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Darkling on December 06, 2006, 01:02:17 PM
Quote from: Arcdelad on December 06, 2006, 12:31:56 PM
the whole meeting stone portiong was really nice.....gren who?!?!?!? :P (just kidding gren...we love ya even if we dont need your ports anymore :P)

Mean, man. Juts mean. Yet strangely funny.
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Genoism on December 06, 2006, 04:06:03 PM
the difficulty setting is only there for the BC instances, it u set it to heroic and try to enter SM or anything atm then it wont let u go in...try it :p
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: un4 on December 06, 2006, 07:05:49 PM
Quote from: dharq on December 06, 2006, 10:22:50 AM
(except rogues..  >:()
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Arcdelad on December 07, 2006, 07:29:40 AM
i dunno TB and un4...suslik was doing pretty damn well in scholo last night...i dont think rogues have anything to worry about in PVE...

for PVP...granted I dont know a lot about it since i really suck and generally avoid it, but i understand rogues were too unbalanced before and now they reeled them ina going to draw a historical comparison if i may...when the french revolution/cuban revolution/russian revolution occured it was largely becuase there was a growing middle class that wasnt getting a proportionally equal share of power or rights...they subsequentlly rebelled and the power system tried to self equalize....

...blizzard is just trying to do the same...rogues owned in PVP....a bit too much yourself often stated how good rogues were in blizz took an overpowered class and didnt advance it like the others, resulting in the other classes maybe catching up a little to roguers and making PVP more equal...this appeases the "middle class" of people (druids, warriors, etc), but natrually it sucks for those used to enjoying an advantage...your nto supposed to like it TB - but its probably best for the game in general
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Gailzee on December 07, 2006, 12:21:56 PM
Quote from: Arcdelad on December 07, 2006, 07:29:40 AM
i dunno TB and un4...suslik was doing pretty damn well in scholo last night...i dont think rogues have anything to worry about in PVE...

for PVP...granted I dont know a lot about it since i really suck and generally avoid it, but i understand rogues were too unbalanced before and now they reeled them ina going to draw a historical comparison if i may...when the french revolution/cuban revolution/russian revolution occured it was largely becuase there was a growing middle class that wasnt getting a proportionally equal share of power or rights...they subsequentlly rebelled and the power system tried to self equalize....

...blizzard is just trying to do the same...rogues owned in PVP....a bit too much yourself often stated how good rogues were in blizz took an overpowered class and didnt advance it like the others, resulting in the other classes maybe catching up a little to roguers and making PVP more equal...this appeases the "middle class" of people (druids, warriors, etc), but natrually it sucks for those used to enjoying an advantage...your nto supposed to like it TB - but its probably best for the game in general

I agree, it's not so much that rogues are less powerful, though there may be some issues, but that they upped some of the weaker classes. Once you get you're rythem TB you'll be back where you were, I know that 'cause you  are a great PvPer.

My druid, for example, on the horde side, gained mangle which is incredible not only for the damage plus the bleed damage, but every crit heals +6 percent of total health, which is +313 for my druid(at least 6 seconds between procs).  All this potential healing, and a up to +15 chance to resist stuns and now a druid, especially in bear form is a tough cookie for a rogue.  Stun lock rogues were always able to beat me if they got to me unknowingly and initiated the attack. I was as good as dead guaranteed. Now I have a fighting chance if I resist a cheapshot and get some crits to heal myself and do some good damage as well. With a ~11-14 % chance to get a crit(with gear and talents((feral)), that is huge!

Some, I've heard, were switching their rogues back to combat concerned that they were missing more in general with cheapshot etc.... I don't know how true it is, but they are discussing it on the WOW forums.
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Arcdelad on December 07, 2006, 12:38:59 PM
mangle is pretty amazing!!!! it basically replaced my normal attack in cat form and became my go to attack in bear form....nice graphic, does a lot more damage than claw, adds 25% to any bleeding attacks (so i follow up with rake), and has all the same +x% damage the rest of the talents give all of your cat attacks...i know last night i critted over 3K in strat UD - previously i only got up to 2700 at my all time i now have 5 points in MOTW and 3 in Survival of the fittest, so my stats have a NICE add to them...

the three things i really want but dont have the talent points for are 1) Natural shapeshifter (reduces shifting cost by 30% with three poiints on it), 2) Improved Leader of the Pack (6% health returned to ANYONE in your party who crits in a 45 yard radius, on top of the now 5% added to everyones physical damage crits), and 3) that fear / stun resist talent you talked about..

i guess i dont have points in improved stealth / improved threat talent either...i kind of miss that too....overall though....VERY nice druid updates
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Darkling on December 07, 2006, 12:41:01 PM
Actually, combat is the worst so far from what I've read on the forums concerning rogues. That final talent on the Combat tree looks good, but in all reality, isn't. Especially since it doesn't work right. I'm looking at going to Mutilate in Assassination once I have the gold to respec. I'm hoping my damage will come back up when I do that. I'm going to miss improved sap though.
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Arcdelad on December 07, 2006, 12:52:10 PM
how much gold do you need man? I will gladly give you what i can spare
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: un4 on December 07, 2006, 01:36:05 PM
I've done my research too, and I'm going with assassination/combat.

DB needs a shitload of gold.  I'll be sending him some once I've got enough for my respec.
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Arcdelad on December 07, 2006, 01:40:39 PM
well...i have two nexus crystals ive been tucking away for that rainy day...your welcome to them TB if you want them
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Darkling on December 08, 2006, 07:45:33 AM
I'm good on the gold now. I have enough to respec and train up on Mutilate. However, during ZG, I topped the DPS meter for a bit (Grendeel gives me awesome competition). And Cloak of Shadows saved my life twice against the bat boss. Prep allowed me to use vanish 3 times against Gri'lek when he focused on trying to kill me. Premed allows me to have 5 cp on a mob after a garrote, then I hit the boss with a rupture to start my dots.

In other words, I will stay where I am at for now and train up. Thanks for the offers of gold though.

p.s. my bitching and whining will be less now (rogues still got the nerf nuke (i.e. sloooow energy regeneration) and a ton of bugs (why stealth or vanish?).
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Emmalina on December 08, 2006, 08:43:34 AM
Your not alone TB. Take a look at the WoW Priest forums......

Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Arcdelad on December 08, 2006, 08:54:18 AM
dunno emma....geno is like christie alley waiting for krispie kreme to open for your power infusion....
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Emmalina on December 08, 2006, 09:02:50 AM
Heh, that's actually part of the issue a lot of priests are having: The feeling that our talent points are essentially being used as other people's TP's. It's just evident, based on our new talents and some other dynamics in-game, that the refinements given to other classes were not given to us. Being 2-shot by a hunter in nearly every BG I'm in hasn't helped the motivational process either  >:(

Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Arcdelad on December 08, 2006, 09:28:35 AM
yeah....that is a very good point....

but isnt the nature of a priest rols to be a support class instead of the person who is going to top the damage meter? IMHO, and bear in mind i have a level 17 priest i can barely stand to play, so i know nothing, it seems that this would only make your support all the more effective...
Title: Re: Instances maybe too easy now?
Post by: Tankgrl on December 26, 2006, 12:18:10 AM
Quote from: Thingiebob on December 06, 2006, 01:02:17 PM
Quote from: Arcdelad on December 06, 2006, 12:31:56 PM
the whole meeting stone portiong was really nice.....gren who?!?!?!? :P (just kidding gren...we love ya even if we dont need your ports anymore :P)

Mean, man. Juts mean. Yet strangely funny.

It was awesome to finally port Gren! <3