Shadow, Koth, Dry & TB

Started by Caedryne, November 15, 2006, 09:30:00 PM

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I don't know if you have seen or read "Beckett's Massive Online Gamer" Magazine. Every month they have a column, actually a page called Guild pf the month for WoW. The last 2 months guilds were pretty boring and typical and I was thinking that it might be a good idea to write about our Guild because I think we are much better, have more fun and basically just cuz our Guild is the best. However I don't have the history, or the memories, stories etc to be able to do that, so I was wondering if you guys would like to do that. I do make a good proofreader :)


That, my friend, is an excellent idea. I could start writing about our current status if someone else wants to do a brief history of Twilight itself. I don't know the full history of Twilight, although we could just go with when we started on Alexstraza.


Work takes priority this week (as it did last week... and the week before... ) but soon I can help contribute. :cornucopia:
No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.


No big rush here at all - thanks guys, I can scan and cut and paste the "guild of the month"  article in the current issue if you'd like


Thats a great Idea man! sounds like fun


hmmm i believe twilight started on the squadgames server...mmm i had good ping there, those were good days lol
Lets see...since then, guild leader vanishes only to come back for a few days...guild leader gets murdered by his gf(well not really), guild leadaer vanishes again for about 2 years...comes back to tell us that he's actually playing wow on a dif server and disappears again :p
Aside from that, twilight started on with the game called Savage- which is free now btw ( moved on to wow, i believe our server order was alleria(ally)>spirestone(horde)>alex


As I understood it, the guild that formed here on Alex was independent of the prior history of the name Twilight.  When a bunch of disgusted ex-Eternal Destiny members formed a new one, Dharq proposed using the name Twilight as he already had the name and a webforum up and running.  It's a great name and has a long history as Geno rightly pointed out, but there was really no overt connection to prior Twilights.  Then again, I'm just a very early member and not a founding one, so keep that in mind too.   :D  I hadn't known the full history of the name Twilight before Geno outlined it out just now.  Twilight on Alex is all I've ever known.
No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.


I thought there was a pretty significant connection to our previous incarnations..

4 of our charter members were original Twilighters,
we were very much a part of the old twilight when we first started--we even sent out an open invite to all the old members to transfer over and join us,
our guild charter, officer structure, and such are all hold-overs/derivatives from the old guild.

I'm not saying we're the exact same guild because we aren't--we're much bigger than we ever were before on WoW, but we don't need to diminish our origins and our link to the old twilight in order to make that point.


Ok guys, here's the deal from the first Twilight recruit ever  ;)

Twilight formed on Savage, like Geno said, but on the West 212 demo server.  I was playing in the early afternoon four years back, and our commander was damn good.  I was promoted to officer and was busy kicking ass and taking names, when I snuck into the enemy base and told the commander (Final-Impact) to build a garrison there. 
He replied "In their base?" and I fired back "Sure.  Why not?"
I built the garrison solo, built a network of towers, then we ripped the enemy apart.

Thus it began. 

After that, we started looking for each other, and sticking to the same team whenever we were both on.  We played on two servers then, West212 and Shacknews, and we gradually built up a group of players.  After about two months of playing with these people (MrM, Azn, TDA, Geno, Dharq, Lyte, LDB, Dopper, etc.), Final decided that he was going to try out the new clan system.  He went to the site, created a clan called "Twilight" then started throwing invites out to our group. 

After that, we got free forums which we never really used, and eventually upgraded to the full game once it went live.  Then Dharq supplied, and we were rolling. 

The company that produced Savage, S2 Games, sponsored the creation of a ladder system for the clans.  Twilight joined.  We started recruiting to get up to a full complement, and gained eighty skilled players in a week.  After that, we created the different tiers of Twilight for the competition: Twilight Alpha, Beta, and Omega, plus the little-known Twilight Eclipse.

We dominated.  While we were still running at full strength, we took #1 on the ladder and beat every other clan in the game who challenged us.  Then Final-Impact dissapeared.  We'd been playing for about a year then, so some people decided that they were done with Savage, and left.  We lost a few at a time over the next year, until we were down to about 30 (counting a few infusions of new blood).  After that, we branched out to CoH, Warcraft, Diablo II, Starcraft, and Halo.  We lost a few people after another half a year or so, and then Twilight dropped down to about 10 people.  We made a comeback though, and built up a core of 20 dedicated Savage players who took the game by storm.

At the time, the ladder system was down, so we mostly played in the public servers, sticking to the same team to kick ass and socialize.  Then Final came back.  He offered no explanation, then dissapeared again after two months.

Then WoW appeared, and it was quite obvious that we'd spread to WoW as well.  I stuck to Savage and assumed the role of leader for our Savage division before essentially everyone left for other games.  After that, I picked up WoW when it went live, and joined the others on Alleria.  We spent a while there before going Horde on Doomhammer and Spirestone.  Twilight then kept spreading out, and we lost contact with many of our oldest members.  The group of Twilight savagers you see now mostly date back to the dawn of the clan.

We exhausted the WoW servers we were on and joined the new servers that Blizz opened.  That was the beginning of Twilight on Alex, and you all know that story ;)



Attached is the Article of the current Giild that they wrote up about. I thouhgt it was just one giant advertisiement to get poeple to join their Guild. There is nothing wrong with that but I sort of thought that a histroy, some good stories, how the guild works, how freindly helpful people are etc etc -with the empasis being on fun maybe would be a better idea


ah right ...mixed up squadgames with shacknews...squadgames only came out after shack died :(...either way i had good ping on both of them ^_^

I still remember those crazy summ shots lyte used to make constantly...she had her auto aimer hack on called "The Hand"....


Lmao.  I had one called "coil rifle" and another called "mmbow" ;)


Good stuff but who is going to write this up. I was thinking maybe a couple of paragraphs on history of Twilight. Then more current news but focusing on more on friendship, fun, and people helping people maybe?


ok then I will try writing something with the info you've given already but I want to be able to ask questions too, first maybe we should move this thread somewhere else just so it's easier for old people like me to access. 

1) How, when and why did Shadow become GM?
2) How many of the original members are there still?
3  What is the date that Twilight first appeared and with how many people?

for starters


Twilight (Savage) started in late 2002, I think.  Either that or early 2003.
Original members still around:
Lord Entropy
Mr. Matrixaplix
The-Deadly-Archer (rare mob ;))

Rdel is still around; he joined in the first wave of recruiting.

I'm sketchy on the details of our rise on Alexstrasza, so ask someone else about that :P

Question for the old timers:
Anyone seen Mog lately?  I miss him.  Flaming Moe was his brother, right?  :(