Merry Christmas

Started by Shadowwolf, December 24, 2006, 07:46:57 PM

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Wanted to wish all who celebrate a Merry Christmas, I may or may not be online tomorrow, depends on when my family rounds are done. If I dont see you I wanted to extend my wishes and leave you with a poem =)

QuoteTwas the night before BC, and in World of Warcraft
Not a creature would /stir, /sing, /dance, /silly, or /laugh
The servers were hung, all instancing ceased
In hopes the expansion would soon be released

The children were nustled all snug in their beds
(Only orcs; no young tauren, trolls, or undeads)
And I, in my warlord's gear, from PvP
Had just trekked to the inn for some rested XP

When out by the bank there arose such dissent
I wondered if Blizzard started a world event
I went into cat form, to ensure my good health
If demons were invading, I was gonna be stealthed

The moon didn't light up the boring old dirt
(C'mon, some Ogrimmar snow couldn't hurt!)
When what should I see, out there on the streets?
Twas a musclebound orc, and a mess of elites!

He was giving out buffs, which were awesome but brief
I knew in a moment it was the warchief
Was he giving a quest, or was this an illusion?
He started to /yell as we watched in confusion

"Come raiders, and twinkers, and casuals too!
Come on PvPers, get out of your queue!
To the top of the bank, to the top of the wall!
You can dash, you can mount, you can even slowfall!"

He jumped on the mailbox, to give rise to himself
I feared for a moment he'd become a night elf
But he did not /dance, or remove all his gear
So we all gathered round, and we lent him our ear

And then, on the bank, I heard from the roof
The prancing of two dozen large tauren hoofs
As I drew in my head, visions of taurens prancing
I was distracted by a female elf dancing

She was dressed in all epics, from her helm to her rings
They spat fire and did other impressive things
A bundle of loot she had flung on her back
And a two handed sword with a proc-cleave attack

Her eyes, how they twinkled! Her body, so thin!
She had golden hair, and odd, peach-colored skin!
Her droll little mouth was drawn up in a sneer,
As if immune to poly, stunlock, root, and fear

We all drew our weapons, and I readied my claws
I'd enjoy tasting elf blood dripping from my jaws
But Thrall raised his hammer, and let out a fierce growl
We all hesitated, hit by his piercing howl

"Her kind," he claimed, "are not our enemies!
They don't hide in shadows, they don't even hug trees!
They all hate alliance, and see them as noobs!
Even if, like alliance, kids will stare at her... monitor tubes." *ahem*

But from out in the crowd, came a shout, "She's no ally!
You can tell from her int-based plate she's a pally!
Her hotbar has bubbles and hearthstones adjacent!
You've brought us a target, we won't be complacent!"

"But you see," the elf said, her voice calm and malicious,
"I may have found the light, but I find it delicious.
We stole from their gods!" She screamed while she glowered.
"To mock claims that shamans are so overpowered!"

"But where," I responded, "Did you get all your loot?"
"My chestpiece has less stats than one of your boots!"
She took out her hearthstone, and started to laugh,
As she showed me that it was now set to Shattrath

"I got them in Outland, just as you will.
In a month your new set is as useless as twill.
The Blasted Lands is where to bring this Horde
You know, when you levelled, that zone you ignored?"

"It's a land of new quests, and wonderous gifts,
Of casual conent, and paradigm shifts.
So come to the portal, if you'll continue playing,
And take on 'You are not prepared!' as your saying!"

She bubbled and hearthed, in true pally fashion,
But in her wake I had found a new passion
In this new land I'd find epic apparel
Perhaps I would even find something for feral!

Thrall raised his hammer, and looked nearly immortal
Then he jumped on his mount and rode for the Dark Portal
But I heard him exclaim, as we rode to our fate
"I hope when we get there, it will be release date!"
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


And the Alliance version:

QuoteTwas the night before expansion, and all through the home
Not a creature was stirring, not even a gnome.
Winter Veil had ended; a festive affair.
Now everyone rested, without any cares.

The dwarves were nestled, all snug in their beds.
While visions of pint glasses danced in their heads.
All of Azeroth slumbered, just for a quick nap.
Dreaming of new adventures in lands yet unmapped.

When in the Blasted Lands, there arose such a clatter.
I sprang from my study to see what was the matter.
I opened a portal, and jumped through in a flash.
Immediately I noticed the land covered in ash.

I surveyed my surroundings. I saw a distant glow.
As I started my journey, my fear began to grow.
I’d hoped I was mistaken, but it all became clear.
The Dark Portal was the source; the threat was sincere.

A group of cultists had gathered to make dark magic
I saw their foul ritual, centered ‘round the relic.
But the portal was still closed. Hope was not in vain.
Only through swift actions, could the portal be tamed.

Now to Orgrimmar and then to Stormwind.
I delivered my message to all who would listen:
Jaina, Cairne, and Sylvannas, and Marcus and Thrall.
I yelled, “Gather your forces! Gather them all!”

We recruited who we could, the battle was nigh.
It might be too late, but we had to try.
Just as we reached the portal, something broke through.
Our expedition halted, as it came into view.

Who was this demon, coming unbidden?
And then suddenly I knew, it was Illidan.
Formerly a night elf; a hero from the past.
Returning home from Outland, his power had grown vast.

And oh what a sight, he filled us with dread.
With two spiral horns jutting from his head.
And thick leathery wings, battle torn and scarred.
With every step he took, the ground was left charred.

His banishment ended; he prepared to invade
As he readied his swords: twin crescent blades.
Then suddenly he turned. He knew we were there.
Even though he was blind, I felt his icy stare.

He furrowed his brow in a twisted scowl
And roared in defiance; a bloodthirsty howl.
He charged towards our ranks, a formidable sight
But with no other option, we charged in to fight.

He stormed into our midst with an explosive crash.
He felled many opponents, with only one slash.
Heroes fought valiantly. Their courage was grand.
They refused to give up and surrender their land.

The bodies of every race lay at his feet
And then Illidan staggered and began to retreat.
The Alliance and Horde fought side by side â€"
Their spirits triumphant, their wills undenied.

Opening the portal must have sapped his power.
And we drove him back through. We had won the hour.
But the portal stayed open, it didn’t close.
This was just the beginning, the start of our woes.

And then we heard him taunt us, with an infernal choice.
Echoing through the land, in his malevolent voice.
“Follow me if you are brave. Follow me if you dare.”
“But be warned ye mortals, YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!”
Come to the darkside, we have cookies.
"A flute with no holes is not a flute, and a donut with no hole is a danish" - Chevy Chase as Ty Webb in Caddyshack
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Suess


Good finds - I liked the horde better, of course ;)
Merry X-Mas, and NERF PRIESTS!
