WoW 2.0 and Incompatible addons

Started by Kothnok, December 06, 2006, 08:11:01 AM

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Blizzard did something sneaky this patch.

One of my first posts in this forum talked about how you could tell WoW that your addon was not out of date by editing a single line in a file in the addon folder. (
Since "Incompatible" was never used before and does NOT load even if you have "Load out of date addons" checked, I wondered how Blizzard could tell if something was compatible or not.  Well... it turns out they can't detect it.  Just for 2.0, "Incompatible" means "Out of Date" except that you cannot load it.  It also means nothing will show up as "Out of Date".  So unless your addon is updated, you may as well disable it as it isn't being used.

Given that... if you DO want to see if that OutOfDate/Incompatible addon that you know and love actually works in today's WoW world, follow the instructions of that prior thread I mentioned and change the line to be
Quote## Interface: 20000
That will trick WoW into thinking that the addon is compatible and will load it and try to run it.  Only then will you truely find out if the addon works or not.

No matter how often you refill the gene pool, there's always a shallow end.




tried that with Gatherer, and ThreatMeter, and i said something about a .lua file not working, so i sussed out that file, and i was like O.o ... who understands this code!