it's like surfing, on audio

Started by capnpop, February 22, 2008, 10:38:41 AM

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I just installed and played the much fun it should be illegal...seriously...

quite the mindless fun ;)


You can download the demo from

You get to basically do what they show in the video Capn posted but you can pick any songs (mp3, wma, etc) that are on your computer to "surf" to. I think you only get to play 5 songs with the free demo before it expires. Definitely worth it though!

fiere redfern

Oh My God that was fun. Like seriously. Took me five minutes to decide to purchase the game, and that's because the song I was playing was five minutes long =P

Many, MANY thanks for this, cap =D Awesome find!


i showed my wife the demo (i had already used all the demo songs myself :P ) and we decided to buy it right away too.  She doesn't game AT ALL (minesweeper and solitaire are the extent of her "gaming" (like you can even call it that...)) but she's been competing with me.

She beat me, but it was only because of a bonus I didn't go for at the time on one song (I think Bush - Glycerine). Feel free to add me/us as a friend (name is Capn) and we can compete!  :P


anybody ever play megarace back in the day?

your clip reminded me.


DragonForce - Through the fire and flames is difficult on this game, but so much fun


Orange car < purple car.  If only I could fire those damn missiles...