Tanking Druids - Belt of Natural Power

Started by Shadowwolf, March 30, 2008, 02:56:54 AM

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[item]Pattern: Belt of Natural Power[/item] dropped in TK last night and Tyban can now make [item]Belt of Natural Power[/item] for any feral druids. Its a really good tank belt for ferals.
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i would like to order one please :)

its not a great tanking belt...its the BEST tanking belt btw


Time to start farming, again! :(  :-\ but I can finally replace my green belt! O0

fiere redfern

Can has, does want, etc etc plzkthx!

In other words... time to start farming for mats! XD


i bought had ty make me this yesterday....i had all the mats in the bank except i needed 8 more primal lifes and the two nether vortices...

bought the primal lifes for 25G total...one nether vortex was 298G, i used badges on my hunter to buy the other one...

very very expensive belt....fiere, tol, or any other feral druid let me know if your looking to get this and ill help grind out as much of the mats as i can, and I can send the heavy knothide right away...